7 Sınıf İngilizce Müfredatı 7sınıf ingilizce müfredatı tv programs 7sınıf melekler mekanı ingilizce SYLLABUS FOR THE 7TH GRADE General Introduction For the 7th grade, students have 4 hours of compulsory and 2 hours of elective English language courses per week The syllabus is designed accordingly Each unit has two sections: Part A and Part B Part A is designed for those who take 4 hours of compulsory English Part B is designed for those who take 4 hours of English (4 + 2) Part B does not present any new information ayak aims to reinforce and enrich the things that have been studied in Part A Each part is to be covered in approximately two weeks Teachers who have anekdot finished Part A in the allocated time can skip Part B with the students who study English for 6 hours per week The aim is anekdot to finish units üçgenin taban olmayan kenarı to teach English Tasks (projects) that are assigned for each unit can be kept in a dossier by the students and teachers can give feedback to those in the elective course hours Students can also share their projects with their peers in the class Levels of Linguistic Competence Assuming that students have mastered the general goals of the 6th grade, students who complete this grade are expected to show the following linguistic competence levels: Students will: Use basic sentence patterns and communicate with memorized phrases, groups of a few words and formulae about themselves and other people, what they do, places, possessions etc Produce brief everyday expressions in order to satisfy simple needs of a concrete type: personal details, daily routines, wants and needs, requests for information Have sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, everyday transactions involving familiar situations and topics Make and respond to invitations, suggestions, apologies, etc Handle very short social exchanges, using everyday polite forms of greeting and address Adapt well rehearsed memorized simple phrases to particular circumstances through limited lexical substitution Ask for attention Initiate, maintain and close simple facetoface conversation Use simple techniques to start, maintain, or end a short conversation Link groups of words with simple connectors like ‘and ‘ayak’ and ‘because’ Use the most frequently occurring connectors to link simple sentences in order to tell a story or describe something as a simple list of points Construct phrases on familiar topics with sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite very noticeable hesitation and false starts Structures In order to fulfill the above mentioned objectives, the following structures are suggested: Revision of tenses studied before let’s, shall, why don’t we …, Modals: affirmative, negative, interrogative, Wh questions Imperatives Comparatives with “er and “more + Superlatives with “est and “most Simple Past: “To be affirmative, negative, interrogative, Wh questions Time phrases: beygir 5 o’clock, yesterday, last year, ago, etc Adjectives and adverbs Simple past: (common verbs) affirmatives, negatives, interrogative, Wh questions There + waswere after, before, while When I was …, Could couldn’t (past ability) Used to would (past habits) Contexts Birli for contexts (situations and texts), the following can be used: informal interpersonal dialogues and conversations between people short recorded dialogs and passages short, simple reading texts visuals (pictures, drawings, illustrations, plans, graphs, maps, flags, cartoons, caricatures, photos, shadows, models, Charts, puppets, etc) OHP and transparencies phrases and sentences student conversations teachertalk common everyday classroom language Short descriptive paragraphs games (TPR games, Spelling games, Categorization games, ball games, Miming games, board games, group games, dictogames, etc) stories (story telling story reading) drama and dramatization songs, chants and rhymes poems, riddles, jokes, tongue twisters handcraft and art activities Word puzzles, word hunts, jumbled words, word bingo Recorded sounds (animals, nature, etc) Various reading texts (ads, ID forms, ID cards, Mathematical problems, symbols, Invitation cards, lists, Timetables, Weather reports, TV Guides, Classroom rules, Menus, Food price lists, Personal letters, postcards, emails, internet, websites, search engines, SMS, chat messages, Speech bubbles, brochures and leaflets, road signs and traffic signs, newspaper headlines, extracts from magazines, scientific studies, research, findings, etc, tales and legends) Information gap activities, opinion gap activities videotapes, cassettes, discs; audiotapes, cassettes, discs; registration forms (hotel immigration office custom’s office, etc) diaries, memos, labels, price tags, price lists signs and notices, Questionnaires, etc scales, shapes, measurement units, containers, etc Birth certificates Interviews photo albums short TV programs, video extracts, excerpt from a film (eg documentary, movie), Quiz shows, reality shows, etc, sitcoms, soap operas, etc, commercials, Units Part A is designed for those who take 4 hours of compulsory English Part B is designed for those who take 4 hours of English (4 + 2)