Arjantinin Ulusal Marşı
Arjantinin Milli Marşı Sozleri
Arjantin'in Ulusal Marşı Vicente López y Planes tarafından 1813 yılında yazılmış, Blas Parera tarafından bestelenmiştir
¡Oid mortales! el grito sagrado:
¡Libertad, Libertad, Libertad!
Oid el ruido de rotas cadenas:
Ved en trono a la noble Igualdad
¡Ya su trono dignísimo abrieron
Las provincias unidas del Sud!
Y los libres del mundo responden:
¡Al Gran Pueblo Argentino Salud!
Y los libres del mundo responden:
¡Al Gran Pueblo Argentino Salud!
(repeat previous two lines)
Sean eternos los laureles
Que supimos conseguir
Coronados de gloria vivamos
O juremos con gloria morir
(repeat three times)
İngilizce Tercumesi
Mortals! Hear the sacred cry;
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
Hear the noise of broken chains
See noble Equality enthroned
The United Provinces of the South
Have now displayed their worthy throne
And the free peoples of the world reply;
We salute the great people of Argentina!
And the free peoples of the world reply;
We salute the great people of Argentina!
(repeat previous two lines)
May the laurels be eternal
That we knew how to win
Let us live crowned with glory,
Or swear to die gloriously
(repeat three times)
Arjantinin Milli Marşı Sozleri
Arjantin'in Ulusal Marşı Vicente López y Planes tarafından 1813 yılında yazılmış, Blas Parera tarafından bestelenmiştir
¡Oid mortales! el grito sagrado:
¡Libertad, Libertad, Libertad!
Oid el ruido de rotas cadenas:
Ved en trono a la noble Igualdad
¡Ya su trono dignísimo abrieron
Las provincias unidas del Sud!
Y los libres del mundo responden:
¡Al Gran Pueblo Argentino Salud!
Y los libres del mundo responden:
¡Al Gran Pueblo Argentino Salud!
(repeat previous two lines)
Sean eternos los laureles
Que supimos conseguir
Coronados de gloria vivamos
O juremos con gloria morir
(repeat three times)
İngilizce Tercumesi
Mortals! Hear the sacred cry;
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
Hear the noise of broken chains
See noble Equality enthroned
The United Provinces of the South
Have now displayed their worthy throne
And the free peoples of the world reply;
We salute the great people of Argentina!
And the free peoples of the world reply;
We salute the great people of Argentina!
(repeat previous two lines)
May the laurels be eternal
That we knew how to win
Let us live crowned with glory,
Or swear to die gloriously
(repeat three times)