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Arkadaşlar Benjamin Franklin İngilizce Sözleri Burada

Arkadaşlar Benjamin Franklin İngilizce Sözleri Burada


FD Üye
Nis 13, 2018
F-D Coin
Arkadaşlar Benjamin Franklin İngilizce Sözleri Burada Benjamin Franklin ingilizce Sözleri Benjamin Franklin veciz sözleri (ingilizce) Sevgili melekler, bu yazımızda siyasetçi, meşhur Amerikalı siyasetçi, diplomat ve yazar Benjamin Franklin 'den seçme sözler paylaşacağız sizlerle Benjamin Franklin neyi keşfetti konusundan daha sonra hemen de Benjamin Franklin İngilizce sözleri ile karşınızdayız 1549102052 1549102052 arkadaslarbenjaminfrankliningilizcesozleriburada5c556be90f568arkadaslarbenjaminfrankliningilizcesozleriburada5c556be90f568 arkadaslarbenjaminfrankliningilizcesozleriburada5c556be90f568 Tell me my faults and mend your own Saying and doing have quarrel’d and parted Tomorrow every fault is to be amended; bacak that tomorrow never comes A false friend and a shadow attend only while the sun shines Laziness travels so slowly, that poverty soon overtakes him You may delay bacak time will not Virtue may always make a face handsome, bacak Vice will certainly make it ugly Love and be loved Trouble springs from idleness; toil from ease Plow deep, while sluggards sleep and you will shall have corn, to sell and to keep He that sows thorns, should never go barefoot When a friend deals with a friend let the bargain be clear and well penne’d that they may continue friends to the end He that never eats too much, will never be lazy Silence is not always a sign of wisdom, bacak babbling is ever a mark of folly Great Modesty often hides great merit If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it away from him Lahza investment in knowledge always pays the best interest Beware of little expenses A small leak will sink a great ship The doors of wisdom are never shut Glass, china and reputation are easily cracked and never mended well A spoonful of honey will catch more flies than a gallon of vinegar It is hard for lahza empty bag to stand upright Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today Little strokes fell great oaks In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes Success has ruined many a man Energy and persistence conquers all things Fatigue is the best pillow God helps them that help themselves At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and beygir forty, the judgement Fools need advice most, ayak wise men only are the better for it  
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