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Battlestrike: Force of Resistance Tüm Oyun Hileleri,Sifreleri,Kodları-Unlock

Battlestrike: Force of Resistance Tüm Oyun Hileleri,Sifreleri,Kodları-Unlock


FD Üye
Ara 25, 2016
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Battlestrike: Force of Resistance Tüm Oyun Hileleri,Sifreleri,KodlarıUnlockSeviyeÜ
Battlestrike: Force of Resistance

PC Hile Kodu

Oyun esnasında é tuşuna basıp konsolu açın ve aşağıdaki kodları girin:

CheatGodMode() Ölümsüzlük
CheatJestemCieniasem() Naprawde jestes
CheatAddAmmo() 500 mermi verir
CheatFullHealth() Tam sağlık
CheatGiveAllWeapons() Tüm silahlar
CheatTuneClip() Şarjör kapasitesini arttırır
CheatGiveAllAmmo() Tüm cephaneleri verir
CheatNextMission() Sonraki göreve atlar

Silah Kodları
İstediğiniz bir silahı konsola yazınız

CheatGiveKnife() Gives knife
CheatGiveMachete() Gives manchete
CheatGiveColt() Gives Pistol
CheatGiveColtAmmo() Gives Pistol ammo
CheatGiveDesertEagle() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveDesertEagleAmmo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveSnWmod39() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveSnWmod39Ammo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveSpas() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveSpasAmmo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveM16() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveM16Ammo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveAK47() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAK47Ammo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveMP5() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveMP5Ammo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveM14() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveM14Ammo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveM16A1() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveM16A1Ammo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveM60() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveM60Ammo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveM79CAW() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveM79CAWAmmo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGivePPSh41() Gives desired weapon
CheatGivePPSh41Ammo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveRPK() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveRPKAmmo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveSniper() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveSniperAmmo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveCrossbow() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveCrossbowAmmo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveM40Remi700() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveM40Remi700Ammo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveRocketLauncher() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveRocketLauncherAmmo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveGrenadeLauncher() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveGrenadeLauncherAmmo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveRPG7() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveRPG7Ammo() Gives ammo for desired weapon
CheatGiveGrenade() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveClaymore() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponKnife() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponAK74() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoAK74() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponAK74Granatnik() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoAK74Granatnik() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponFamas() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoFamas() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponFRF2() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoFRF2() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponHKPSG1() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoHKPSG1() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponHKUSP() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoHKUSP() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponLRAC89() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoLRAC89() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponM1911() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoM1911() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponMilkorMGL140() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoMilkorMGL140() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponMP5sd6() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoMP5sd6() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponRPG7() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoRPG7() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponSPAS12() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoSPAS12() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponBren() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoBren() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponLuger() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoLuger() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponMauser98K() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoMauser98K() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponMauser98KS() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoMauser98KS() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponSchmeisserMP40() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoSchmeisserMP40() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponSten() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoSten() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponTrenchGun() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoTrenchGun() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveWeaponPanzerfaust() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveAmmoPanzerfaust() Gives desired weapon
CheatGiveGranatStiHgr24() Gives desired weapon
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