FD Üye
Bu oyunda karşılaşacağınız bulmacaları çözemezseniz aşağıdaki kodları kullanın Her bulmaca ilgili kod girildiğinde otomatik olarak çözülecektir
P8 Stained Glass Puzzle leadhead
P11 Winslow's Safe Puzzle masterlock
P14 Wooden HouseLockbox Puzzle loghouse
P15 Dresser in Louie's Loft Puzzle turnkey
P21 Raven Room Circular Table Puzzle arthur
P22 Seal Puzzle ringding
P26 Bag Of Runes Puzzle gemstone
P27 Dream Archway Puzzle cancan
P32 Pressure Gauges Puzzle pressure
P34 Sewer LeversBars Puzzle barbell
P35 Raven Room Door Plates Puzzle triangle
P36 Candlestick In Raven Room Puzzle nimble
P38 SunPlanetsDoor Puzzle sunspot
P39 Gearshift Puzzle Treasure Door #1 ladybug
P40 Key Puzzle Treasure Door #2 keypunch
P41 HalfAGear Puzzle Treasure Door #3 gearoil
P44 Main Chamber Column Puzzle temple
P46 Slider Puzzle blockhead
P47 Stone Blocks Puzzle rock33
P59 Luggage Crate On Train Puzzle boxtop
P67 Cane Lock Puzzle candycane
P68 Telegram Puzzle teleport
P73 Telescope Puzzle peeper
P76 Cuckoo Clock Puzzle bongo
P8 Stained Glass Puzzle leadhead
P11 Winslow's Safe Puzzle masterlock
P14 Wooden HouseLockbox Puzzle loghouse
P15 Dresser in Louie's Loft Puzzle turnkey
P21 Raven Room Circular Table Puzzle arthur
P22 Seal Puzzle ringding
P26 Bag Of Runes Puzzle gemstone
P27 Dream Archway Puzzle cancan
P32 Pressure Gauges Puzzle pressure
P34 Sewer LeversBars Puzzle barbell
P35 Raven Room Door Plates Puzzle triangle
P36 Candlestick In Raven Room Puzzle nimble
P38 SunPlanetsDoor Puzzle sunspot
P39 Gearshift Puzzle Treasure Door #1 ladybug
P40 Key Puzzle Treasure Door #2 keypunch
P41 HalfAGear Puzzle Treasure Door #3 gearoil
P44 Main Chamber Column Puzzle temple
P46 Slider Puzzle blockhead
P47 Stone Blocks Puzzle rock33
P59 Luggage Crate On Train Puzzle boxtop
P67 Cane Lock Puzzle candycane
P68 Telegram Puzzle teleport
P73 Telescope Puzzle peeper
P76 Cuckoo Clock Puzzle bongo