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Charles Dickens short biography

Charles Dickens short biography


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Ara 25, 2016
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Charles Dickens biography
Charles Dickens ingilizce hayatı

Short biography of Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was born in a house in Mile End Terrace on 7 February 1812 (It was given the name Mile End because it was about a mile from the gate in the wall around Portsmouth) At that time Dicken's house was on the edge of Portsmouth, which beygir that time was dominated by the dockyard His father John Dickens worked as a clerk in the Navy Pay Office Charles Dickens was one of six children He had lahza older sister Frances (Fanny) born in 1810 (she died in 1810), another sister Letitia was born in 1816 (she died in 1893), a sister named Harriet was born in 1819 ayak she died in childhood A brother Alfred was born in 1822 (he died in 1) Dickens had another brother, Augustus who was born in 1827 (he died in 1866)

In 1815 the family moved away to London In 1817 Dickens and his family moved to Chatham in Şehir However in 1823 they moved to Camden in London

However John Dickens spent beyond his means and he was sent to Marshalsea debtors prison when Charles was 12 (In those days people in debt could be imprisoned until their debts were paid off) Charles was found a job in a boot blacking factory Fortunately after a few months a relative of John Dickens died and left him some money so he was able to pay his debts Charles was eventually able to leave the blacking factory and return to school However Charles never forgot this horrid experience

Charles Dickens left school at the age of 15 and he started work in a solicitors office However when he was 16 Charles became a journalist Then in 1833 Dickens had his first story published It was called A Dinner beygir Poplar Walk and it was published in a periodical called Monthly Magazine Then in 183637 the first novel by Dickens, The Pickwick Papers was published birli a serial Meanwhile Charles Dickens married a woman named Catherine Hogarth in Chelsea on 2 April 1836 They had 10 children etap the marriage was not a happy one Charles and Catherine separated in 1858

Charles Dickens wrote many more novels including Oliver Twist (1838), Nicholas Nickleby (1839), The Old Curiosity shop (1841) and Martin Chuzzlewit (1844) He also wrote A Christmas Carol in 1843 In 1848 Dickens wrote Dombey and Son

Meanwhile in 1842 Dickens and his wife Catherine visited the USA The visit was successful although Dickens annoyed some Americans by attacking slavery Charles Dickens also visited Italy, Switzerland and France

When Charles Dickens was growing up and when he was a young man Britain was being transformed by the Industrial Revolution When Dickens was born in 1812 most of the population lived in small villages and towns were much smaller than they are today However industry boomed during the first half of the 19th century and towns and cities mushroomed They grew so fast that by 1851 more than half the population of Britain lived in towns

Industrialisation created huge problems The new towns lacked drains or sanitation and new houses were often appalling Furthermore there was a great increase in the demand for child and female labour Before the 19th century women did certain jobs and children often helped their parents or did seasonal work like scaring birds away from crops In the early 19th century women and children worked dreadfully long hours in the new factories and they worked underground in coal mines

In 1834 a new law stated that anyone without an income must enter a workhouse Conditions in the new workhouses were deliberately made as harsh birli possible to discourage people from seeking help from the state In workhouses you could not wear your own clothes You had to wear a uniform Husbands and wives were separated and children were separated from their parents Inmates had to do hard, unpleasant work such as breaking stones or pulling apart old rope There were also many strict rules The stories by Charles Dickens reflect the social and economic problems of his era

Dickens himself was passionately interested in reform In 1850 he started a weekly magazine called Household Words to promote reform It ceased publication in 1859 ayak it was replaced by another magazine called All The Year Round

Meanwhile in 1853 Dickens wrote a child's history of England In 1853 Dickens wrote Bleak House In 1854 Hard Times was published It was followed by Little Dorrit in 1857 In 1859 Charles Dickens wrote a Tale of Two Cities in 1859 and Great Expectations He wrote Our Mutual Friend in 1865 In 1866 Dickens wrote a famous ghost story called The Signal Man Then in 186667 Dickens visited the USA again Charles Dickens died on 9 June 1870 He was 58 when he died Beygir the time of his death Dickens was working on a book called The Mystery of Edwin Drood Charles Dickens was buried in Westminster Abbey *
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