FD Üye
What code does Code
Save demo in AVI format avidemo
Game benchmark benchmark
Skip to last level doomhell
Freeze everything on screen freeze
Display graphics card details gfxinfo
God mode god
No clipping noclip
Ignored by most enemies no
Show framerate comdrawfps 1
Full weapons and ammunition give all
Classic 1995 version give doom95
All keys give keys
Machine gun give weaponmachinegun
Shotgun give weaponshotgun
Plasmagun give weaponplasmagun
BFG give weaponbfg
Chainsaw give weaponchainsaw
Rocket launcher give weaponrocketlauncher
Display game status status
Spawn indicated model spawn
Play indicated map map
Benchmark test timedemo demo1demo
Set gamma level rgamma
Set brightness level rbrightness
Toggle sound level display sshowlevelmeter 1
Set sound volume; default is 0 svolumedb
Toggle hit % to HUD gshowprojectilepct 1
Exit game quit
Model names:
Use one of the following entries with the spawn code
What name does Model name
Cyberdemon monsterbosscyberdemon
Guardian monsterbossguardian
Guardian's Seeker monsterbossguardianseeker
Sabaoth monsterbosssabaoth
Vagary monsterbossvagary
Archvile monsterdemonarchvile
Cherub monsterdemoncherub
Hellknight monsterdemonhellknight
Imp monsterdemonimp
Maggot monsterdemonmaggot
Mancubus monsterdemonmancubus
Pinky monsterdemonpinky
Revenant monsterdemonrevenant
Tick monsterdemontick
Trite monsterdemontrite
Wraith monsterdemonwraith
Zombie wth flashlight monsterzombiemaintflashlight
Flaming Zombie monsterzombiebernie
Commando Zombie monsterzombiecommando
Commando Zombie with chaingun monsterzombiecommandocgun
Fat Zombie with wrench monsterzombiefatwrench
Fat Zombie monsterzombiefat2
Zombie in jumpsuit monsterzombiejumpsuit
Zombie eating monsterzombiejumpsuiteating
Zombie in labcoat monsterzombielabcoat
Zombie missing limb monsterzombielimb
Zombie monsterzombiemaint
Bald zombie monsterzombiemaintbald
Zombie with no jaw monsterzombiemaintnojaw
Skinny zombie monsterzombiemaintskinny
Zombie with Wrench monsterzombiemaintwrench
Zombie monsterzombiemaint2
Zombie with a pipe monsterzombiepipe
Chainsaw zombie monsterzombiesawyer
Skinny zombie monsterzombieskinny
Bloody mouthed zombie monsterzombiesuitbloodymouth
Headless zombie monsterzombiesuitneckstump
Skinny zombie in suit monsterzombiesuitskinny
Bald Zombie in Tshirt monsterzombietshirtbald
Zombie in Tshirt monsterzombietshirtblown
Zsec Zombie with machine gun monsterzombiezsecmachinegun
Zsec Zombie with pistol monsterzombiezsecpistol
Zsec Zombie with shield monsterzombiezsecshield
Zsec Zombie with shotgun monsterzombiezsecshotgun
Marine PDA:
You can call up this device at any time with the Tab key and it keeps track of emails, audio recordings, and video files available to your own character But its main purpose is so you can store the same sorts of data contained in other characters' PDAs, which you'll find scattered around the base These audio recordings and emails help in two distinct ways: First they help you comprehend the storyline and atmosphere; Secondly they contain pass codes or hints that you'll need to progress to the next area
User Cheat by James777
Fighting Imps:
Don't let Imps get within melee distance of your character because you will life when it is in claws reach of you It is imperative to take care of your these enemies as soon as you encounter them without delay
User Cheat by James777
Some locker codes:
531 Energy stablization unit
#038 is 409
#039 is 102
#064 is 651
monorail 483
#054 142
airlock code 826
#079 is 364
#112 is 538
#103 is 259
#216 is 624
door 07 725
l3 access 463
One of lockers lets you do a 4 digit code and that one is 0508
When you pick up a PDA look at the emails you will find the other codes there
User Cheat by lart2150
Enable player shadows:
Using your text editor to edit the doomconfigcfgfile in the game folder Find the line:
seta gshowPlayerShadow 0
and change it to
seta gshowPlayerShadow 1
Nightmare difficulty setting:
Using your text editor to edit the doomconfigcfgfile in the game folder Find the line:
seta gnightmare 0
and change it to:
seta gnightmare 1
Third person view:
Using your text editor to edit the doomconfigcfgfile in the game folder Add the following line to the file, the press P during game play:
bind ptoggle pmthirdperson
Save demo in AVI format avidemo
Game benchmark benchmark
Skip to last level doomhell
Freeze everything on screen freeze
Display graphics card details gfxinfo
God mode god
No clipping noclip
Ignored by most enemies no
Show framerate comdrawfps 1
Full weapons and ammunition give all
Classic 1995 version give doom95
All keys give keys
Machine gun give weaponmachinegun
Shotgun give weaponshotgun
Plasmagun give weaponplasmagun
BFG give weaponbfg
Chainsaw give weaponchainsaw
Rocket launcher give weaponrocketlauncher
Display game status status
Spawn indicated model spawn
Play indicated map map
Benchmark test timedemo demo1demo
Set gamma level rgamma
Set brightness level rbrightness
Toggle sound level display sshowlevelmeter 1
Set sound volume; default is 0 svolumedb
Toggle hit % to HUD gshowprojectilepct 1
Exit game quit
Model names:
Use one of the following entries with the spawn code
What name does Model name
Cyberdemon monsterbosscyberdemon
Guardian monsterbossguardian
Guardian's Seeker monsterbossguardianseeker
Sabaoth monsterbosssabaoth
Vagary monsterbossvagary
Archvile monsterdemonarchvile
Cherub monsterdemoncherub
Hellknight monsterdemonhellknight
Imp monsterdemonimp
Maggot monsterdemonmaggot
Mancubus monsterdemonmancubus
Pinky monsterdemonpinky
Revenant monsterdemonrevenant
Tick monsterdemontick
Trite monsterdemontrite
Wraith monsterdemonwraith
Zombie wth flashlight monsterzombiemaintflashlight
Flaming Zombie monsterzombiebernie
Commando Zombie monsterzombiecommando
Commando Zombie with chaingun monsterzombiecommandocgun
Fat Zombie with wrench monsterzombiefatwrench
Fat Zombie monsterzombiefat2
Zombie in jumpsuit monsterzombiejumpsuit
Zombie eating monsterzombiejumpsuiteating
Zombie in labcoat monsterzombielabcoat
Zombie missing limb monsterzombielimb
Zombie monsterzombiemaint
Bald zombie monsterzombiemaintbald
Zombie with no jaw monsterzombiemaintnojaw
Skinny zombie monsterzombiemaintskinny
Zombie with Wrench monsterzombiemaintwrench
Zombie monsterzombiemaint2
Zombie with a pipe monsterzombiepipe
Chainsaw zombie monsterzombiesawyer
Skinny zombie monsterzombieskinny
Bloody mouthed zombie monsterzombiesuitbloodymouth
Headless zombie monsterzombiesuitneckstump
Skinny zombie in suit monsterzombiesuitskinny
Bald Zombie in Tshirt monsterzombietshirtbald
Zombie in Tshirt monsterzombietshirtblown
Zsec Zombie with machine gun monsterzombiezsecmachinegun
Zsec Zombie with pistol monsterzombiezsecpistol
Zsec Zombie with shield monsterzombiezsecshield
Zsec Zombie with shotgun monsterzombiezsecshotgun
Marine PDA:
You can call up this device at any time with the Tab key and it keeps track of emails, audio recordings, and video files available to your own character But its main purpose is so you can store the same sorts of data contained in other characters' PDAs, which you'll find scattered around the base These audio recordings and emails help in two distinct ways: First they help you comprehend the storyline and atmosphere; Secondly they contain pass codes or hints that you'll need to progress to the next area
User Cheat by James777
Fighting Imps:
Don't let Imps get within melee distance of your character because you will life when it is in claws reach of you It is imperative to take care of your these enemies as soon as you encounter them without delay
User Cheat by James777
Some locker codes:
531 Energy stablization unit
#038 is 409
#039 is 102
#064 is 651
monorail 483
#054 142
airlock code 826
#079 is 364
#112 is 538
#103 is 259
#216 is 624
door 07 725
l3 access 463
One of lockers lets you do a 4 digit code and that one is 0508
When you pick up a PDA look at the emails you will find the other codes there
User Cheat by lart2150
Enable player shadows:
Using your text editor to edit the doomconfigcfgfile in the game folder Find the line:
seta gshowPlayerShadow 0
and change it to
seta gshowPlayerShadow 1
Nightmare difficulty setting:
Using your text editor to edit the doomconfigcfgfile in the game folder Find the line:
seta gnightmare 0
and change it to:
seta gnightmare 1
Third person view:
Using your text editor to edit the doomconfigcfgfile in the game folder Add the following line to the file, the press P during game play:
bind ptoggle pmthirdperson