FD Üye
Oyun esnasında Ctrl + Alt + ~ basın Açılan pencereye aşağıdaki kodlardan birini girin:
god Ölümsüzlük
give eşya adı Eşya yaratır
give all Tüm silahlar ve cephane
give ammo Üzerinizde bulunan silâhlar için ful cephane
give armor 125 zırh verir
give doom95 Klasik 1995 doom'u açar
give health Sağlığınızı fuller
give keys Bütün anahtarlar
give weaponbfg BFG
give weaponchainsaw Chainsaw
give weaponmachinegun Mechine gun
give weaponplasmagun Plasmagun
give weaponrocketlauncher Rocket Launcher
give weaponshotgun Shotgun
comallowConsole ~ basın
comshowFPS Frame hızını gösterir
comshowMemoryUsage Önceki ve sonraki frame hızını
comshowSoundDecoders Ses decoderlarını gösterir
pmthirdperson 0 or 1 3 görüş açısı
quit Çıkış
level rbrightness sayı Parlaklığı ayarlar
map gamedeltax Delta labaratuarlarında yeni oyuna başlayın
map gamehell Cehennem bölümünde(son bölüm) yeni oyuna başlayın
Canavar isimleri:
Spawn yazıp aşağıdakleri yazın
Cyberdemon monsterbosscyberdemon
Guardian monsterbossguardian
Guardian's Seeker monsterbossguardianseeker
Sabaoth monsterbosssabaoth
Vagary monsterbossvagary
Archvile monsterdemonarchvile
Cherub monsterdemoncherub
Hellknight monsterdemonhellknight
Imp monsterdemonimp
Maggot monsterdemonmaggot
Mancubus monsterdemonmancubus
Pinky monsterdemonpinky
Revenant monsterdemonrevenant
Tick monsterdemontick
Trite monsterdemontrite
Wraith monsterdemonwraith
Cacodemon monsterflyingcacodemon
Lostsoul monsterflyinglostsoul
Zombie wth flashlight monsterzombiemaintflashlight
Flaming Zombie monsterzombiebernie
Commando Zombie monsterzombiecommando
Commando Zombie with chaingun monsterzombiecommandocgun
Fat Zombie with wrench monsterzombiefatwrench
Fat Zombie monsterzombiefat2
Zombie in jumpsuit monsterzombiejumpsuit
Zombie eating monsterzombiejumpsuiteating
Zombie in labcoat monsterzombielabcoat
Zombie missing limb monsterzombielimb
Zombie monsterzombiemaint
Bald zombie monsterzombiemaintbald
Zombie with no jaw monsterzombiemaintnojaw
Skinny zombie monsterzombiemaintskinny
Zombie with Wrench monsterzombiemaintwrench
Zombie monsterzombiemaint2
Zombie with a pipe monsterzombiepipe
Chainsaw zombie monsterzombiesawyer
Skinny zombie monsterzombieskinny
Bloody mouthed zombie monsterzombiesuitbloodymouth
Headless zombie monsterzombiesuitneckstump
Skinny zombie in suit monsterzombiesuitskinny
Bald Zombie in Tshirt monsterzombietshirtbald
Zombie in Tshirt monsterzombietshirtblown
Zsec Zombie with machine gun monsterzsecmachinegun
Zsec Zombie with pistol monsterzsecpistol
Zsec Zombie with shield monsterzsecshield
Zsec Zombie with shotgun monsterzsecshotgun
Diyer isimler:
Spawn yazıp aşağıdakleri yazın
Adrenaline powerupadrenaline
Megahealth powerupmegahealth
Invisibility powerupinvisibility
Silah adları:
Give yazıp aşağidekileri yazın
Cephane isimleri:
Give yazıp aşağidekileri yazın
Eşya isimleri:
Give yazıp aşağidekileri yazın
pda adminbanks
pda admindorweiler
pda adminmoses
pda adminsimons
pda alphalabs1berger
pda alphalabs1krietman
pda alphalabs1lipsitz
pda alphalabs1smith
pda alphalabs2chin
pda alphalabs2connors
pda alphalabs3abrams
pda alphalabs3lamia
pda alphalabs3nelson
pda alphalabs3poota
pda alphalabs4kaczynski
pda caverns1cody
pda comm1blake
pda comm1finch
pda comm1wolfe
pda comm1wolfe
pda commoutsideholiday
pda commoutsideridge
pda cpubates
pda cpuhaskell
pda cpubosstooloose
pda delta1mora
pda delta1price
pda delta2acinders
pda delta2araleigh
pda delta2awilson
pda delta2bbullman
pda delta2berikson
pda delta2bmcneil
pda delta2bstemmons
pda delta3cerano
pda delta3lee
pda delta3shultz
pda delta4gilbert
pda delta5jackson
pda delta5swann
pda enprochasar
pda enprohammer
pda enproraad
pda hellgarlick
pda hellhebert
pda marscity2caseon
pda marscity2duncan
pda marscity2stanton
pda marscity2tyson
pda mc1berneche
pda mcundergroundbaston
pda mcundergrounddelahue
pda mcundergroundryan
pda mcundergroundyoung
pda monorailcullen
pda monorailharding
pda monorailhollies
pda monorailross
pda recycling1garza
pda recycling1sadowayj
pda recycling2johnson
pda recycling2moen
pda site3davis
pda site3rogers
video bfg
video chaingun
video demonmuseum
video epd (download videodisc with content)
video hydrocon
video ianreport
video ipnnews
video mfs
video plasmagun
video recycling
video soulcube
video tablets
god Ölümsüzlük
give eşya adı Eşya yaratır
give all Tüm silahlar ve cephane
give ammo Üzerinizde bulunan silâhlar için ful cephane
give armor 125 zırh verir
give doom95 Klasik 1995 doom'u açar
give health Sağlığınızı fuller
give keys Bütün anahtarlar
give weaponbfg BFG
give weaponchainsaw Chainsaw
give weaponmachinegun Mechine gun
give weaponplasmagun Plasmagun
give weaponrocketlauncher Rocket Launcher
give weaponshotgun Shotgun
comallowConsole ~ basın
comshowFPS Frame hızını gösterir
comshowMemoryUsage Önceki ve sonraki frame hızını
comshowSoundDecoders Ses decoderlarını gösterir
pmthirdperson 0 or 1 3 görüş açısı
quit Çıkış
level rbrightness sayı Parlaklığı ayarlar
map gamedeltax Delta labaratuarlarında yeni oyuna başlayın
map gamehell Cehennem bölümünde(son bölüm) yeni oyuna başlayın
Canavar isimleri:
Spawn yazıp aşağıdakleri yazın
Cyberdemon monsterbosscyberdemon
Guardian monsterbossguardian
Guardian's Seeker monsterbossguardianseeker
Sabaoth monsterbosssabaoth
Vagary monsterbossvagary
Archvile monsterdemonarchvile
Cherub monsterdemoncherub
Hellknight monsterdemonhellknight
Imp monsterdemonimp
Maggot monsterdemonmaggot
Mancubus monsterdemonmancubus
Pinky monsterdemonpinky
Revenant monsterdemonrevenant
Tick monsterdemontick
Trite monsterdemontrite
Wraith monsterdemonwraith
Cacodemon monsterflyingcacodemon
Lostsoul monsterflyinglostsoul
Zombie wth flashlight monsterzombiemaintflashlight
Flaming Zombie monsterzombiebernie
Commando Zombie monsterzombiecommando
Commando Zombie with chaingun monsterzombiecommandocgun
Fat Zombie with wrench monsterzombiefatwrench
Fat Zombie monsterzombiefat2
Zombie in jumpsuit monsterzombiejumpsuit
Zombie eating monsterzombiejumpsuiteating
Zombie in labcoat monsterzombielabcoat
Zombie missing limb monsterzombielimb
Zombie monsterzombiemaint
Bald zombie monsterzombiemaintbald
Zombie with no jaw monsterzombiemaintnojaw
Skinny zombie monsterzombiemaintskinny
Zombie with Wrench monsterzombiemaintwrench
Zombie monsterzombiemaint2
Zombie with a pipe monsterzombiepipe
Chainsaw zombie monsterzombiesawyer
Skinny zombie monsterzombieskinny
Bloody mouthed zombie monsterzombiesuitbloodymouth
Headless zombie monsterzombiesuitneckstump
Skinny zombie in suit monsterzombiesuitskinny
Bald Zombie in Tshirt monsterzombietshirtbald
Zombie in Tshirt monsterzombietshirtblown
Zsec Zombie with machine gun monsterzsecmachinegun
Zsec Zombie with pistol monsterzsecpistol
Zsec Zombie with shield monsterzsecshield
Zsec Zombie with shotgun monsterzsecshotgun
Diyer isimler:
Spawn yazıp aşağıdakleri yazın
Adrenaline powerupadrenaline
Megahealth powerupmegahealth
Invisibility powerupinvisibility
Silah adları:
Give yazıp aşağidekileri yazın
Cephane isimleri:
Give yazıp aşağidekileri yazın
Eşya isimleri:
Give yazıp aşağidekileri yazın
pda adminbanks
pda admindorweiler
pda adminmoses
pda adminsimons
pda alphalabs1berger
pda alphalabs1krietman
pda alphalabs1lipsitz
pda alphalabs1smith
pda alphalabs2chin
pda alphalabs2connors
pda alphalabs3abrams
pda alphalabs3lamia
pda alphalabs3nelson
pda alphalabs3poota
pda alphalabs4kaczynski
pda caverns1cody
pda comm1blake
pda comm1finch
pda comm1wolfe
pda comm1wolfe
pda commoutsideholiday
pda commoutsideridge
pda cpubates
pda cpuhaskell
pda cpubosstooloose
pda delta1mora
pda delta1price
pda delta2acinders
pda delta2araleigh
pda delta2awilson
pda delta2bbullman
pda delta2berikson
pda delta2bmcneil
pda delta2bstemmons
pda delta3cerano
pda delta3lee
pda delta3shultz
pda delta4gilbert
pda delta5jackson
pda delta5swann
pda enprochasar
pda enprohammer
pda enproraad
pda hellgarlick
pda hellhebert
pda marscity2caseon
pda marscity2duncan
pda marscity2stanton
pda marscity2tyson
pda mc1berneche
pda mcundergroundbaston
pda mcundergrounddelahue
pda mcundergroundryan
pda mcundergroundyoung
pda monorailcullen
pda monorailharding
pda monorailhollies
pda monorailross
pda recycling1garza
pda recycling1sadowayj
pda recycling2johnson
pda recycling2moen
pda site3davis
pda site3rogers
video bfg
video chaingun
video demonmuseum
video epd (download videodisc with content)
video hydrocon
video ianreport
video ipnnews
video mfs
video plasmagun
video recycling
video soulcube
video tablets