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- Ara 24, 2016
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İngilizce de fazla kullanılan verbs fiiller
accept : benimsemek I accept your conditions
allow : müsaade etmek I allow you to go to the cinema
ask : sormak I ask my teacher a question
believe : itimat etmek I do anekdot (dont) believe your words
borrow : ödünç almak I borrow money from you every month
break : (brokebroken) yaralamak I break the window when I am anekdot careful
bring : (broughtbrought) getirmek I bring you a newspaper everyday
buy : (boughtbought) satın olmak I buy some clothes for the summer
Can be able : (could) (YF) yapabilmek I can speak English I am able to speak Eng
cancel : iptal etmek I cancel our meeting on Monday
change : başkalaşmak I change my plans if there is a problem
clean : arındırmak My mother cleans my room everyday
close shut : (shut) engellemek My secretary closes the door every morning
comb : incelemek My son combs his hair in front of the mirror
complain : şikayet etmek Old people always complain about their health
cough : öksürmek The students cough when they have cold
count : saymak I count my money before I pay for something
cut : (cutcut) kesmek The waiter cuts the bread for his customer
dance :dansetmek Young girls dance all night
draw : (drewdrawn) çizmek sürüklemek I draw money from the bank when I need it
drink : (drankdrunk) içmek The runners drink a lot of water after the race
drive : (drovedriven) sürmek (araç) My wife and I drive to Sapanca on Sundays
eat : (ateeaten) yemek We dont eat red meat for dinner
explain : açıklamak I explain everything in English
Fall : (fellfallen) düşmek Leaves fall from the trees in Autumn
fill : doldurmak Please fill the glass with water
find : (foundfound) bulmak I find time to learn English everyday
finish : bitirmek bitmek Do you finish your work late ?
fit : (fitfit) uydurmak I can not fit the screw in the hole
fix : saptamak We must fix lahza appointment for Sunday
fly : (flewflown) uçmak Turkish Airlines fly to America every day
forget : (forgotforgotten) hatırından çıkmak I often forget names of my clients
give : (gavegiven) vermek My father gives me money every wek
go : (wentgone) gitmek My friend and I go to the cinema every Sunday
have : (hadhad) sahip olmak I have many friends beygir school
hear : (heardheard) duymak We can hear the music because its loud
hurt : (hurthurt) kırmak You hurt me with these bad words
know : (knewknown) kavramak I know that the world is small
learn : öğrenmek We must learn all our lives
leave : (leftleft) Ayrılmakayrılm I leave home at 8 every morning
listen : kulak vermek We must listen to wise people
live : yaşamak We cant live a comfortable life without money
look : görmek The young girl looks at the sky to see the stars
lose : (lostlost) kaybetmek You should anekdot lose time and learn English
makedo : (made diddone) yapmak I do good things My wife makes me coffee
need : Gereksinim hissetmek I need much money to start this business
open : açtırmak Please open the door when the teacher comes
organize : planlamak We organize a party every summer
pay : (paidpaid) ödemek We pay 100 dollars for our rent
play : oynamak We play football after school
put : (putput) koymak I put my books on the table
rain : yağmur yağmak(yağmur) It rains in Istanbul very frequently
Read : (readread) okumak We must read many books to learn
reply : yanıt vermek I dont reply to telephone calls after 10oclock
run : (ranrun) koşmak The athlete runs 100 meters in 10 seconds
say : (saidsaid) bildirmek Dont say rude words to your friend please
see : (sawseen) görmek I cant see any good reason for this behaviour
sell : (soldsold) satış My friend sells vegetables at the market
send : (sentsent) yollamak We send letters to our friends in England
sign : imza atmak The manager signs many letters everyday
sing : (sangsung) şarkı söylemek Italians can sing very well
sit : (satsat) oturmak I sit beygir my desk for many hours everyday
sleep : (sleptslept) uyuklamak Young children sleep for many hours
smoke : tütün içmek People smoke many cigarettes allover the world
speak : (spokespoken) konuşmak We can speak many languages
spell : hecelemek Please spell this word for me
spend : (spentspent) tüketmek We can anekdot spend much money We are poor
stand : (stoodstood) Ayakta durmak You cant stand here This is private area
başlangıçbegin : (beganbegun) Açmakatmak The classes start on 28th February
study : çalışmak (ders) Please study you lessons to pass your exams
succeed : başarılı olmak We must succeed in English to get a job
swim : (swamswum) yüzmek All the children swim in this pool
take : (tooktaken) edinmek Take this money and go now
talk : konuşmak Ahmet always talks on the phone
teach : (taughttaught) aydınlatmak I teach English to professionals
tell : (toldtold) Söyleizah etmek Tell me about your life please
think : (thoughtthought) göz önünde bulundurmak I think Istanbul is an expensive city
translate : çevirmek We must translate this text into English
travel : seyahat etmek We travel across Europe every Summer
try : sınamak We must try this car
turn off : Engellemek Turn off the television please
turn on : Başlamak Dont turn on the radio because I am tired
type : Tape etmek Can you type these letters please ?
understand : (understood) Kavramak I understand everything very easily
use : Kullanmak We must use our time very efficiently
wait : Beklemek I wait for the bus every morning
wake up : (wokewoken) Uyanmak The students wake up very early every morning
want : Dilemek I want more money
watch : Seyretmek My mother watches every program on TV
work : Çalışmak My teacher works very hard to earn more money
worry : Üzüntü etmek I worry about my girlfriend
write : (wrotewritten) Yazmak The secretary writes many letters every day *
accept : benimsemek I accept your conditions
allow : müsaade etmek I allow you to go to the cinema
ask : sormak I ask my teacher a question
believe : itimat etmek I do anekdot (dont) believe your words
borrow : ödünç almak I borrow money from you every month
break : (brokebroken) yaralamak I break the window when I am anekdot careful
bring : (broughtbrought) getirmek I bring you a newspaper everyday
buy : (boughtbought) satın olmak I buy some clothes for the summer
Can be able : (could) (YF) yapabilmek I can speak English I am able to speak Eng
cancel : iptal etmek I cancel our meeting on Monday
change : başkalaşmak I change my plans if there is a problem
clean : arındırmak My mother cleans my room everyday
close shut : (shut) engellemek My secretary closes the door every morning
comb : incelemek My son combs his hair in front of the mirror
complain : şikayet etmek Old people always complain about their health
cough : öksürmek The students cough when they have cold
count : saymak I count my money before I pay for something
cut : (cutcut) kesmek The waiter cuts the bread for his customer
dance :dansetmek Young girls dance all night
draw : (drewdrawn) çizmek sürüklemek I draw money from the bank when I need it
drink : (drankdrunk) içmek The runners drink a lot of water after the race
drive : (drovedriven) sürmek (araç) My wife and I drive to Sapanca on Sundays
eat : (ateeaten) yemek We dont eat red meat for dinner
explain : açıklamak I explain everything in English
Fall : (fellfallen) düşmek Leaves fall from the trees in Autumn
fill : doldurmak Please fill the glass with water
find : (foundfound) bulmak I find time to learn English everyday
finish : bitirmek bitmek Do you finish your work late ?
fit : (fitfit) uydurmak I can not fit the screw in the hole
fix : saptamak We must fix lahza appointment for Sunday
fly : (flewflown) uçmak Turkish Airlines fly to America every day
forget : (forgotforgotten) hatırından çıkmak I often forget names of my clients
give : (gavegiven) vermek My father gives me money every wek
go : (wentgone) gitmek My friend and I go to the cinema every Sunday
have : (hadhad) sahip olmak I have many friends beygir school
hear : (heardheard) duymak We can hear the music because its loud
hurt : (hurthurt) kırmak You hurt me with these bad words
know : (knewknown) kavramak I know that the world is small
learn : öğrenmek We must learn all our lives
leave : (leftleft) Ayrılmakayrılm I leave home at 8 every morning
listen : kulak vermek We must listen to wise people
live : yaşamak We cant live a comfortable life without money
look : görmek The young girl looks at the sky to see the stars
lose : (lostlost) kaybetmek You should anekdot lose time and learn English
makedo : (made diddone) yapmak I do good things My wife makes me coffee
need : Gereksinim hissetmek I need much money to start this business
open : açtırmak Please open the door when the teacher comes
organize : planlamak We organize a party every summer
pay : (paidpaid) ödemek We pay 100 dollars for our rent
play : oynamak We play football after school
put : (putput) koymak I put my books on the table
rain : yağmur yağmak(yağmur) It rains in Istanbul very frequently
Read : (readread) okumak We must read many books to learn
reply : yanıt vermek I dont reply to telephone calls after 10oclock
run : (ranrun) koşmak The athlete runs 100 meters in 10 seconds
say : (saidsaid) bildirmek Dont say rude words to your friend please
see : (sawseen) görmek I cant see any good reason for this behaviour
sell : (soldsold) satış My friend sells vegetables at the market
send : (sentsent) yollamak We send letters to our friends in England
sign : imza atmak The manager signs many letters everyday
sing : (sangsung) şarkı söylemek Italians can sing very well
sit : (satsat) oturmak I sit beygir my desk for many hours everyday
sleep : (sleptslept) uyuklamak Young children sleep for many hours
smoke : tütün içmek People smoke many cigarettes allover the world
speak : (spokespoken) konuşmak We can speak many languages
spell : hecelemek Please spell this word for me
spend : (spentspent) tüketmek We can anekdot spend much money We are poor
stand : (stoodstood) Ayakta durmak You cant stand here This is private area
başlangıçbegin : (beganbegun) Açmakatmak The classes start on 28th February
study : çalışmak (ders) Please study you lessons to pass your exams
succeed : başarılı olmak We must succeed in English to get a job
swim : (swamswum) yüzmek All the children swim in this pool
take : (tooktaken) edinmek Take this money and go now
talk : konuşmak Ahmet always talks on the phone
teach : (taughttaught) aydınlatmak I teach English to professionals
tell : (toldtold) Söyleizah etmek Tell me about your life please
think : (thoughtthought) göz önünde bulundurmak I think Istanbul is an expensive city
translate : çevirmek We must translate this text into English
travel : seyahat etmek We travel across Europe every Summer
try : sınamak We must try this car
turn off : Engellemek Turn off the television please
turn on : Başlamak Dont turn on the radio because I am tired
type : Tape etmek Can you type these letters please ?
understand : (understood) Kavramak I understand everything very easily
use : Kullanmak We must use our time very efficiently
wait : Beklemek I wait for the bus every morning
wake up : (wokewoken) Uyanmak The students wake up very early every morning
want : Dilemek I want more money
watch : Seyretmek My mother watches every program on TV
work : Çalışmak My teacher works very hard to earn more money
worry : Üzüntü etmek I worry about my girlfriend
write : (wrotewritten) Yazmak The secretary writes many letters every day *