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Oğlak Burcu ingilizce Özellikleri,
oğlak burcunun özellikleri ingilizce,
ingilizce oğlak burcunun özellikleri
Capricorn (Dec 22 Jan 20)
Capricorn Characteristics
Capricorns never repeat their mistakes They are very careful, slow, practical and thrifty Their reserved personality can cause problems in their relationships They are faithful to their family and loved ones Their personality is also kind and affectionate üçgenin taban olmayan kenarı is suppressed by shyness Trying to be perfect in everything they undertake, they often miss great opportunities because of insecurity in their abilities Careful planning and insuring against any negative outcome is a must for all their deeds Capricorn is ruled by Saturn Capricorn's nature can be easily changed when they are loved or respected by other people Capricorns are good brokers, politicians, economists and bankers
Capricorn attractions:Cancer, Leo, Taurus, Virgo
Capricorn colors:brown, gold, green, purple, white
Capricorn stones:amethyst, azurite, malachite, tiger eye, quartz
Capricorn plants:Chrysanthemum and Poinsettia
Capricorn celebrities:Benjamin Franklin, Cary Grant, Clara Barton, *
oğlak burcunun özellikleri ingilizce,
ingilizce oğlak burcunun özellikleri
Capricorn (Dec 22 Jan 20)
Capricorn Characteristics
Capricorns never repeat their mistakes They are very careful, slow, practical and thrifty Their reserved personality can cause problems in their relationships They are faithful to their family and loved ones Their personality is also kind and affectionate üçgenin taban olmayan kenarı is suppressed by shyness Trying to be perfect in everything they undertake, they often miss great opportunities because of insecurity in their abilities Careful planning and insuring against any negative outcome is a must for all their deeds Capricorn is ruled by Saturn Capricorn's nature can be easily changed when they are loved or respected by other people Capricorns are good brokers, politicians, economists and bankers
Capricorn attractions:Cancer, Leo, Taurus, Virgo
Capricorn colors:brown, gold, green, purple, white
Capricorn stones:amethyst, azurite, malachite, tiger eye, quartz
Capricorn plants:Chrysanthemum and Poinsettia
Capricorn celebrities:Benjamin Franklin, Cary Grant, Clara Barton, *