FD Üye
Oyun sırasında é (veya veya ~) tuşuna basıp konsolu açın ve aşağıdaki kodları yazın:
behindView 1 third person
behindView 0 first person
ghost Allows you to fly around the map (typing Walk will end it)
fullAmmo Stocks your player with lots of ammo
demoRec demoname Records a demo of your current game
stopDemo Stops recording current demo
demoPlay demoname Plays the demo you call upon
god Makes you invincible
godteam Makes you and your team invincible
godhostage Makes the hostages invincible (1 Yes, 2 No)
godall Activates all the god modes
toggleUnlimitedPractice Mission objectives are updated but game never ends
toggleCollision Allows you to walk through other actors (team, terrorists and hostages)
toggleThreatInfo Shows threat info
neutralizeTerro Neutralises all terrorists on the level
disarmbombs Disarms all the bombs on the level
deactivateIODevice Deactivate IODevice like phones, laptop (ie: plant a bug)
rescuteHostage Rescuesall hostages on the level
disableMorality Disables morality rules
Terrorist Commands:
callTerro Calls all terrorists to your ********
playerInvisible Toggle player detection by terrorists
tSurrender All terrorists surrender on sight
tSprayFire Makes the terrorists shoot wildly when they see you
tAimedfire Makes all terrorists aim and fire at you
tRunAway Makes all terrorists run away from you
tNoThreat Sets all terrorits back to their original no threat state
rendSpot Allows you to see where all terrorists have spawned on the map
Hostage Commands:
toggleHostageThreat Toggles hostages threat info
setHPos Sets the hostage position (0 Stand, 1 Kneel, 2 Prone, 3 Foetus, 4 Crouch, 5 Random)
resetThreat Resets hostages threat
HNA Plays next hostage animation
HPA Plays previous hostage animation
HP Plays animation of hostage (0 no loop, 1 Loop)
Teammates, Hostages, Terrorists Commands:
showFOV Shows the field of view of all actors
gunDirection Displays weapon direction of all actors with a laser beam
route Shows where terrorists and hostages have moved through out the map
routeAll Shows all routes that Terrorists and Hostages take (Will cause lag)
killThemAll Kills and removes all nonplayor actors
killTerro Kills and removes all terrorists
killhostage Kills and removes all hostages
killRainbow Kills all Rainbow operatives
behindView 1 third person
behindView 0 first person
ghost Allows you to fly around the map (typing Walk will end it)
fullAmmo Stocks your player with lots of ammo
demoRec demoname Records a demo of your current game
stopDemo Stops recording current demo
demoPlay demoname Plays the demo you call upon
god Makes you invincible
godteam Makes you and your team invincible
godhostage Makes the hostages invincible (1 Yes, 2 No)
godall Activates all the god modes
toggleUnlimitedPractice Mission objectives are updated but game never ends
toggleCollision Allows you to walk through other actors (team, terrorists and hostages)
toggleThreatInfo Shows threat info
neutralizeTerro Neutralises all terrorists on the level
disarmbombs Disarms all the bombs on the level
deactivateIODevice Deactivate IODevice like phones, laptop (ie: plant a bug)
rescuteHostage Rescuesall hostages on the level
disableMorality Disables morality rules
Terrorist Commands:
callTerro Calls all terrorists to your ********
playerInvisible Toggle player detection by terrorists
tSurrender All terrorists surrender on sight
tSprayFire Makes the terrorists shoot wildly when they see you
tAimedfire Makes all terrorists aim and fire at you
tRunAway Makes all terrorists run away from you
tNoThreat Sets all terrorits back to their original no threat state
rendSpot Allows you to see where all terrorists have spawned on the map
Hostage Commands:
toggleHostageThreat Toggles hostages threat info
setHPos Sets the hostage position (0 Stand, 1 Kneel, 2 Prone, 3 Foetus, 4 Crouch, 5 Random)
resetThreat Resets hostages threat
HNA Plays next hostage animation
HPA Plays previous hostage animation
HP Plays animation of hostage (0 no loop, 1 Loop)
Teammates, Hostages, Terrorists Commands:
showFOV Shows the field of view of all actors
gunDirection Displays weapon direction of all actors with a laser beam
route Shows where terrorists and hostages have moved through out the map
routeAll Shows all routes that Terrorists and Hostages take (Will cause lag)
killThemAll Kills and removes all nonplayor actors
killTerro Kills and removes all terrorists
killhostage Kills and removes all hostages
killRainbow Kills all Rainbow operatives