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This is my SW2 4th weapon guide This was originally published on KW's Samurai Warriors 2 section (ages ago) but since visitors and members rarely view that section, I thought it would be wise to put this guide on forums If someone is still having trouble for obtaining 4th weapons, I hope this guide is able to provide the help you need Enjoy
**Credit to GOW, Gtown and everyone else who have provided various 4th5th weapon requirements**
Things to remember before trying to obtain 4th weapons:
• You need to complete character's Story Mode at least once in any difficulty Dream Stages are not necessary, however
• They can only be obtained in Story Mode (with the exception of Okuni and Ranmaru)
• Difficulty must be set on Hard or above
• If you're using 2nd player, make sure that 1st player fulfills the requirements
• If you're playing with XL, you'll need SW2 disc in order to get 4th weapons for SW2 characters
Yukimura Sanada
Name: Dragon's Tail
Base Attack: +45
Element: Fire
Stats: Life +19, Attack +35, Defense +38, Horse +18, Musou Charge +32
Stage: Osaka Campaign
Requirements: Prevent Ina and Masamune from entering the main keep once they advance Valuable item appears after Hideyori Toyotomi orders Toyotomi Army to charge
Recommended level: +25
First take out Katsumoto Takagiri and exit Osaka Castle from the south enterance Defeat Naotaka Ii, Toshitsune Maeda and Tadanao Matsudaira (if you have time) outside the castle Ieyasu soon sends out his cannon Ignore Takatora Todo and destroy the cannon When the cannon has been destroyed, finish off Todo and proceed to northeast where Ina is Prevent her entry to Osaka Castle's main keep Take care of Tadateru Matsudaira and Nagamasa Kuroda as well Lastly, head to northwest corner where Masamune is with his officers Defeat Masamune and wait for Hideyori to order Toyotomi Army to charge Valuable item should appear on the first floor of Osaka Castle Then, finish the stage normally
Keiji Maeda
Name: Divine Mandible
Base Attack +50
Element: Lightning
Stats: Life +18, Attack +53, Horse +19, Musou Charge +49
Stage: Battle of Hasedo
Requirements: Obtain 1000 KOs
Recommended level: +30
Defeat Yoshiaki Mogami at the first gate Break through the 2nd gate as well by defeating all enemy generals At the third gate, when your mission is to stop the enemy, start the slaughtering However, don't kill all enemy generals so that you don't run out of soldiers Once you have obtained 1000 KOs, a tranport units appears just southwest of the 2nd gate Catch up with them and go aid Kanetsugu who is being attacked by Masamune
Nobunaga Oda
Name: Demon Regalia
Base Attack: +46
Element: Wind
Stats: Musou +18, Attack +35, Defense +16, Speed +18, Musou Charge +35, Attack Range +19
Stage: Battle of Tedorigawa
Requirements: Rescue all of your allied units; Hideyoshi Hashiba, Toshiie Maeda, Nagahide Niwa, Katsuei Shibata and Kazumasa Takigawa
Recommended level: +20
Proceed north and defeat Shigeie Shimura immediately Cross the bridge in the north and defeat Kagetsugu Amakasu First ally you're going to rescue is Hideyoshi in the north Defeat the general near him and Hideyoshi starts his retreat into south Keep on going and rescue Toshiie Maeda from the enemy general Katsuie Shibata is fightning against Takahiro Kitajaro in the small island Rescue him as well From Katsuie's ******** head southwest and aid Kazumasa Takigawa Only one ally remains and that's Nagahide Niwa in the south Give him a hand and escort him to escape point Nagaatsu Shimura is probably bothering your allies at the west so take care of him as soon as possible Once the last allied unit has reached the escape point, transport units appear near Kenshin's main camp Go grab your weapon, prevent
Kanetsugu's entry to Funaoka Castle and kill Kenshin to complete the stage
Mitsuhide Akechi
Name: Gilded Talon
Base Attack: +45
Element: Lightning
Stats: Musou +36, Attack +34, Defense +35, Attack Range +37
Stage: Mitsuhide Unites Japan (Dream)
Requirements: When Kotaro appears, have at least 4 allied officers alive so that Mitsuhide's army advances
Recommended level: +40
Start by defeating Narimasa Sassa Head to south and recue your ally by defeating Katsuie Shibata, Toshiie Maeda and Kazumasa Takigawa Go further to the south where Masamune is Defeat him and his officers in order to rescue another ally Head back to your main camp Now defeat all approaching enemy generals (Keiji, Tadayu Okubo, Kazumasa Ishikawa, Okuni, Nagazane Irobe, Tadasuke Okubo, Shigenaga Honjo, Yukimura and Kanetsugu) with the help of your allies Once you have dealt with all enemy generals, approach Tokugawa main camp from the north Defeat Mototada Torii and Tadatsugu Sakai who are guarding the first and second gates Now you can approach Tadakatsu and when you've done that Kotaro appears in the north If you have at least four allies alive, a message saying 'The Akechi Army is advancing' shows up on the screen and the transport units come out of the stronghold just northwest of the first north gate Oh, and have fun with Kotaro and Tadakatsu
Kenshin Uesugi
Frozen Flame
Base Attack: +46
Element: Ice
Stats: Musou +19, Attack +50, Speed +38, Attack Range +34
Stage: Conquest for Kyushu (Dream)
Requirements: Activate the geyser event, get trapped inside the northwestern garrison, defeat Mitsuhide and Ranmaru in that order
Recommended level: +40
Recommended equipment:
Matsukaze, Persian Mare or Moon Child as your mount
Have 3rd weapon with Ice or Demon element and if possible, with Attack boost as well
Have Fitness, Opportunity, Awakening, Potence, True Power and EleCharge skills at level 3
You start from the south Take western route, head north, past the geyser Occupy the stronghold near you and the geyser event triggers soon You need to take a long detour now Go all the way north, turn east, past the Takeda main camp and head for Tsuruga Castle where Shingen is already struggling against Hashiba Army When you arrive to Tsuruga Castle, make sure you defeat all Hashiba generals Now wait untill the west gate of Tsuruga Castle opens and hurry back to Uesugi main camp Rescue Kageie Kagizaki and Kanetsugu by defeating all generals in the south At this point Yukimura is having trouble in the north so advance there Defeat Nene and Toshiie MaedaNagachika Kanamori (XL) and your allies are safe for now Head to Yoshihiro's ******** in northwest before your allies do The gates close behind you and you're ambushed by Yoshihiro, Yoshihisa Shimazu, No and Nobutada Oda Kill all of them as fast as you can and exit the main camp First head to Takeda main camp and defeat the generals there Ranmaru is approaching towards you but you don't have time for him Instead, head to Mitsuhide's ******** and take on both of them (sucks, I know) Keep in mind that you must defeat Mitsuhide first and then Ranmaru Once they both are dead the transport units appear in the Uesugi main camp Get your weapon, kill the enemy generals while you're there and prepare for the final battle against Yoshihiro and his brother, Yoshihisa
Name: Cup and Gold
Base Attack: +42
Element: Lightning
Stats: Life +34, Attack +38, Defense +34, Musou Charge +32
Stage: Incident at Shizukatage (Dream)
Requirements: Succeed in the mission 'Rescue Nagamasa Azai' and defeat Nobunaga Oda and No Defeat Ginchiyo Tachibana and Ina Defeat Ranmaru Mori Lastly, defeat Okuni (defects) and Nene in that order and wait until No shows up 2nd time
Recommended level: +40
Take out Narimasa Sassa, Toshiie Maeda and Hidemasa Hori when the stage begins Move to north and defeat Yoshinari Mori Enemies should have already ambushed Nagamasa in the north Go for his aid and complete the mission 'Rescue Nagamasa Azai' by defeating generals near him Now comes the hard part, you must defeat No and Nobunaga, but not Nene If you defeat No first, Nobunaga leaves the battlefield and you can't let that happen So take your horse and charge into Oda main camp Defeat him quickly though because No might go after Nagamasa and you can't afford to lose him Once Nobunaga has been defeated, finish off No Now all Oda and Azai generals retreat, except Nene, Okuni and Nagamasa Soon Ginchiyo and Ina appear in the east and they're after you Show them whose the boss while avoiding Nene Your next opponent will be Ranmaru (hope you're not surprised) who appears in the south Just like Nene, he's in the hyper mode but at least he's slower than you Defeat him as fast as you can and yes, you still need to avoid Nene Now that you have defeated all generals, Okuni thinks she's the most beautiful and decides to defect However, you must defeat Okuni first (watch out, she's quite strong) and then Nene Finally, No appears for the 2nd time and at the same time the transport units come out from the stronghold located southwest from the central garrison Annihilate them and beat No to claim the of the most beautiful woman in the Japan!
Name: Raging Sun
Base Attack: +44
Element: Fire
Stats: Attack +19, Defense +37, Speed +17, Dexterity +39, Attack Range +35
Stage: Survival Mode The Traveling Dancer
Requirements: Do the mission 'The Traveling Dancer' on floor 61 or above and defeat Keiji Maeda
Recommended level: +35
Get at least 3000 gold so that you can start the Survival Mode from floor 51Complete two missions (doesn't matter what they are) and you're on floor 61 Save your game and quit Continue the Survival Mode and if you don't see the mission 'The Traveling Dancer' on the list, soft reset (Start+Select), go to options menu, load your game and choose 'Continue' again Keep doing this until the mission appears The goal of 'The Traveling Dancer' is to help Okuni to collect funds for the Izumo Shrine If you allow her to be defeated on floors 14 the mission fails so take good care of her On the 1st floor, listen what Okuni has to tell you and the door to the stairs opens On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors you have to convince one of the warlords to donate money for you The warlords are Shingen, Kenshin, Ieyasu, Hideyoshi and Nobunaga Succeed in the given tasks on each floor to get the donation On the 5th floor you'll find Keiji Help him to defeat the imposter Okuni After you have defeated the imposter, Keiji says he has something for you a match against him! Beat him with your umbrella and grab the red weapon box which he drops Proceed upstairs and you're the new happy owner of Okuni's ultimate weapon
Magoichi Saika
Name: Marksman's Pride
Base Attack: +45
Element: Fire
Stats: Life +35, Attack +38, Musou Charge +20, Attack Range +39, Luck +12
Stage: Escape from Honnouji
Requirements: Defeat Nobunaga Oda within 10 minutes
Recommended level: +30
This is not hard weapon to obtain but maybe a bit annoying And because your time limit is only 10 minutes, I recommend you don't stop to help the peasants (and you might get lost) If you look at the map, you can't see your position but you start from the southwest corner Go along the western edge of the map until you come to a stronghold Check the map again and you should see a garrison which is located east from the stronghold Go there Once you arrive there, the gates close and you're ambushed by Raiders Before you dismount your horse, make sure it faces north so you know where you're supposed to go when you mount it again Kill the Raiders and exit the garrison from the north enterance No and Ranmaru appear in front of you Kill them quickly and keep going north until you see another stronghold From there, head east and you arrive at the gates of another garrison Gates are being guarded by Shigetomo Akechi Defeat him and enter the garrison This time, make sure that your horse faces south when you dismount Nobunaga should appear pretty soon Use all your strenght to defeat him as fast as you can and then Interim save immediately The transport units appear somewhere in the south and they head west I'm not sure where exactly but if you ride to southeastern stronghold (go along the eastern edge) and then head west, you should encounter them When you have the weapon, head back to garrison where Kotaro is Defeat him to finish the stage
Shingen Takeda
Name: Heaven's Sign
Base Attack: +48
Element: Wind
Stats: Life +18, Attack +20, Defense +51, Ride +20, Speed +19, Attack Range +19
Stage: Battle of Nagashino
Requirements: Succeed in the missions 'Seize control of Nagashino Castle', 'Defend the Tobigasu garrison', 'Prevent Tadakatsu Honda from entering the main camp', 'Prevent Hideyoshi Hashiba from entering the main camp' and wait for the rain event
Recommended level: +30
Your first task is to occupy Nagashino Castle Defeat the general in front of the gate Enter the garrison and defeat two more generals to succeed in the first mission Head to Tobigasu garrison in the south Defeat Nagachika Kanamori on your way there Once you're in Tobigasu, complete the mission by defeating Tadatsugu Sakai and the approaching Mitsuhide From Tobigasu, cross the bridge and prepare to face Tadakatsu Your next mission is to prevent him from entering the main camp He's tough but with Shingen's Special skills Tadakatsu will be dead in no time With Tadakatsu out of the way, head north where Hideyoshi is Your mission is to prevent his entry to main camp as well Fortunetly, he's not in hyper mode so defeating him doesn't take much time After Hideyoshi is gone, the rain event happens Shingen then orders a charge and the transport units appear in the most southern stronghold
Grab the weapon and destroy Nobunaga
Masamune Date
Name: Manhunters
Base Attack: +44
Element: Ice
Stats: Attack +37, Ride +36, Musou Charge +38, Attack Range +35
Stage: Showdown at Mikatagahara
Requirements: Defeat all enemy officers personally while protecting all of your allies
Recommended level: +35
All right Requirements for this weapon are quite simple However, Interim save often because you don't want to start the stage from the beginning just because your BG or ally happened to deal the finishing blow on enemy officer First head to northeast garrison, defeat Yoshinao Tokugawa and Ietsugu Sakai there Before heading out to western garrison, secure the two strongholds near you This is pretty important since you need to protect your allies Proceed to west garrison and slay Yorinobu Tokugawa there Secure the stronghold as well Go back to central garrison and defeat Naotaka Ii along with Musashi Now that the central garrison is your main camp, head to southwest corner and defeat Tadachika Okubo and Masanobu Honda Don't enter to Hamamatsu Castle yet First secure all the remaining enemy stronholds When you have done that, lure Tadamasa Honda out of the castle and defeat him Interim save and enter the castle Take out Hanzo immediately and go after Ina in the north Defeat her and hurry back to central garrison Your allies are
probably struggling against Tadakatsu when you arrive there He's hard to beat (what a surprise) and has two generals to help him Try to do your best and beat him as fast as you can since your allies are already struggling in west garrison Head there and slay Hidetada Tokugawa If all of your allies survived and you killed all enemy generals personally, the transport units spawn in the northwest stronghold Finish them off and steal the Japan from Ieyasu
Name: Delicious Venom
Base Attack: +44
Element: Wind
Stats: Musou +38, Defense +36, Speed +37, Musou Charge +36
Stage: Incident at Honnoji
Requirements: Succeed in the mission 'Rescue Nobutada Oda' Keep Nobutada alive until Ranmaru is killed without triggering the mission 'Assist Ranmaru'
Recommended level: +35
Exit Honnoji through the west gate and kill Nobuharu Tsuda Mitsuhide launches the fire attack soon Quickly head north towards Nijo Castle and defeat Kaneaki Mimaki Face Hidemitsu Akechi in the north which triggers the mission to rescue Nobutada Oda Defeat him to complete the mission To ensure Nobutada's safety, defeat Junkei Tsutsui and Shigetomo Akechi as well However, leave Sadaoki Ise alive He should be able to keep Nobutada busy without defeating him Interim save now Return to Nobunaga's ******** and kill the officers near him Finally Mitsuhide appears with reinforcements and Ranmaru starts heading towards his ******** Defeat all approaching enemy officers and soldiers around Nobunaga Before you go to Mitsuhide's ********, Interim save If you get too close to him and Ranmaru, you unlock the mission 'Assist Ranmaru' Take distance from them and watch the fight
of the two Ranmaru should die pretty quickly and Mitsuhide advances to Honnoji The transport units will appear in the west stronghold which is southwest of Nijo Castle Catch up with them and hurry back to Nobunaga to save the day
Hanzo Hattori
Name: Chained Dragon
Base Attack: +44
Element: Demon
Stats: Attack +39, Speed +36, Dexterity +34, Attack Range +38
Stage: Siege of Ueda Castle (Dream)
Requirements: Defeat all Kotaro doubles and Yukimura before defeating Masayuki Sanada
Recommended level: +40
Take the hidden path in the west and proceed north Defeat Tomonobu Saito and Chikanori Suibara Take Toishi Castle by defeating Yataro Onikojima Kotaro appears in the south but at the same time the Spy units appear in the east Stop them first to prevent the flood attack Return to Kotaro and defeat him When you approach Ueda Castle, three Kotaro clones appear First head south and use the ninja route to reach the first Kotaro Continue to southeast and rescue Ieyasu by defeating all enemy officers around him Go back to ninja route and head to center You'll find another Kotaro clone who is fightning alongside Yukimura Lure him away from Yukimura and defeat him Now you can try to defeat Yukimura himself He's in superhyper mode and extremely hard to beat If you happen to find Attack x2, you can flinch him with basic attacks Otherwise stun him with your R1+S attack and juggle him to death Anyway, the last Kotaro clone can be found inside the castle Enter to castle and defeat Nobuyuki Sanada Proceed to underground main keep in the north to face the
last Kotaro Defeat him and the valuable item appears just a bit north from your ******** Grab it and take control of Ueda Castle
Ranmaru Mori
Name: Iron Vengeance
Base Attack: +46
Element: Ice
Stats: Life +37, Defense +38, Speed +19, Musou Charge +37, Attack Range +14
Stage: Survival Mode Keiji's Real Request
Requirements: Defeat Keiji Maeda in the mission 'Keiji's Real Request' In order to unlock the mission, first you need to finish Mitsuhide Akechi's 3rd Request on floor 41 and then Keiji Maeda's 2nd Request on floor 31 When you have finished the missions, 'Keiji's Real Request' spawns on floor 46
Recommended level: +35
You must reach the last floor in the mission 'Keiji's Real Request' to fight against Keiji On the first four floors, you need to defeat a certain character(s) in order to advance:
1st floor Katsuei Shibata
2nd floor No
3rd floor Oichi
4th floor Hideyoshi and Nene
On the 5th floor your first task is to slay as many as enemies as you want to Defeat 100 and Keiji states that he wants to fight against you At first, he seems to be too easy but when his HP reaches critical he starts to fight seriously When this happens, his HP recovers back to max and he's in superhyper mode He's now much harder to beat since normal attacks don't stagger him Once you have taken him down, he drops a weapon box which contains the ultimate weapon Grab the box and head upstairs
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Name: Simian Sansetsu
Base Attack: +42
Element: Lightning
Stats: Speed +60, Dexterity +40, Luck +60
Stage: Battle of Shizukatage
Requirements: Succeed in the mission 'Defeat Keiji Maeda'
Recommended level: +25
This weapon is pretty simple to obtain Only requirement is to succeed in a certain mission but you need to do a couple of things before you can trigger it Defeat Yasumasa Sakuma first and proceed to first garrison in the north Beat Katsumitsu Fuwa there Ignore the other garrison for now and head to garrison where Toshiie Maeda is First defeat Toshinaga Maeda in front of the gate Enter the garrison and convince Toshiie Maeda to retreat Once Toshiie has retreated, Keiji decides to move out but don't mind him yet Morimasa Sakuma has already advanced and is probably at your main camp Defeat him and Shogen Yamaji (who defected) first Before facing Keiji, occupy the remaining garrisons and Interim save At first, you are told to ignore Keiji but keep attacking him and when he has lost half of his HP you unlock the mission to defeat him Succeed in mission and the transport units appear in the garrison where Toshiie was Kill them before they escape with your weapon and defeat Katsuie Shibata
Tadakatsu Honda
Name: Tonbogiri
Base Attack +50
Element: Fire
Stats: Musou +15, Attack +37, Defense +53, Musou Charge +33
Stage: Tournament of Champions (Dream)
Requirements: Succeed in the missions 'Prevent KeijiMusashiKojiroHanzo KotaroNeneHideyoshiIeyasuMasamune from entering the centralwesteast garrison'
Recommended level: +40
*See Kenshin Uesugi's 4th weapon for the recommended equipment
Let's start with good news: You're playing as Tadakatsu who is extremely strong character and is able to annihilate enemies quickly Then the bad news this is a Dream stage and you need to be really really fast if you want to succeed in the requirements Luck is also a big factor when trying to obtain this weapon That's why giving a detailed walkthrough is hard but I'll try to do my best
Your main goal is to prevent any of the unique characters from entering the garrisons The garrisons are located in the center, northwest and southeast The garrison where the enemy advances is always random Because of this, you should always Interim save before new group of officers appear If they happen to proceed toward wrong garrisons, you might not be able to stop them in time When this happens, you need to reset the game and keep trying until all generals head to the garrisons where they are supposed to go in the first place Also, defeat generals after the missions appear! If you defeat even one of them before you are told to, you won't get the weapon The enterances of all three garrisons are protected by allied troops Try to keep them alive as long as possible since they are able to buy some time for you Say, if Hanzo advances to northwestern garrison, of which enterance is guarded by allied troops and Nene is advancing to southeastern garrison, of which enterance hasn't got a single soldier, it would be wise to go after Nene first Anyway, I think I've said enough Here's the method for obtaining the weapon
You start from the central garrison The first three groups appear in random order (my order was Miscreants, Swordsmen and Ninjas but it really doesn't matter) Hope that Miscreants appear first since you only need to stop one of them, Keiji Head to his ******** in the southwest and defeat him There are four officers left, defeat three of them Lure the last one to southwestern corner and Interim save Next group to appear are swordsmen or ninjas Keep reseting until swordsmen appear This time you need to prevent two of them from entering the garrisons, Musashi and Kojiro If Musashi heads to southeastern garrison, reset Defeat Kojiro first and go after Musashi Again, leave one of the generic officers alive Lure him near the northwestern gate of central garrison and Interim save Defeat him and ninjas appear Your s are Kotaro, Hanzo and Nene If Nene proceeds to southeastern garrison, reset Defeat Kotaro first because he's closest to you Go after Hanzo (not necessary if he decided to head to northwestern garrison) and take care of Nene before she causes more damage to your army Again, leave one of the generics alive Lure him near the northwestern gate of central garrison Interim save and defeat him The final group to appear are minor warlords The generals who you want to prevent from entering the garrisons are Masamune, Ieyasu and Hideyoshi Reset the game if Hideyoshi moves to southeastern garrison and Ieyasu doesn't advance west These three are in hyper mode so they are slightly tougher than previous generals Beat up Masamune right next to you and the approaching Ieyasu Head towards Hideyoshi's ******** and prevent his entry to garrison The transport units appear in the the stronghold south of central garrison's southern gate The pain is finally over and you can finish the stage by slaying the remaining warlords
Note: Since obtaining this weapon depends so much about luck, my method always
doesn't work It pretty much depends how many soldiers there are standing in
front of the gate where the enemy general is heading to
LittleDragonZ's Guide:
Simply get up to the point where the minor lords group appears, but before you do, make sure you save the game before defeating the last faceless officer Hopefully he will be in the center as well
Now what you want is for you to stay in the center garrison and for Masamune to head east, Ieyasu to go west and Hideyoshi to go east It took me many times to think about this but I think its better this way But you can also do Masamune and Iesyasu going west and Hideyoshi moving east, but you need to be very fast in doing so and defeat the two together Anyway:
1 Get Masamune's attention since he will appear north What you should then do is head through the center garrison whilst mounted Take his horse if you can and go south to defeat Hideyoshi This is because Masamune would be stupid enough to fight in the center instead of going east And remember, it doesn't matter if either three fight in any of the other garrisons that they weren't intended to
2 So after you kill Hideyoshi, head north and go west to defeat Ieyasu who will be very close to the west garrison Why I'm saying go this way is because if you go south and north through the west garrison, you might find that Ieyasu will spot you and head towards you going through the base and stopping you from getting the weapon
3 So lastly, once thats done just move to the middle and defeat Masamune remembering that he is not allowed to be the last officer available to you You need another to be alive, obviously a faceless officer, in order to stop the special unit troops escape and not end the stage since he, Masamune Date, is a requirement
Name: Coiled Viper
Base Attack: +44
Element: Ice
Stats: Attack +17, Defense +33, Dexterity +16, Musou Charge +36, Attack Range +38
Stage: Siege of Odawara Castle
Requirements: Defeat all enemy generals personally
Recommended level: Any
This weapon is simple and easy to obtain If you want to have some challenge, reset Ina and try this on Chaos That's fun Once again, using the Interim save often is useful because you fail to get the weapon if your ally or BG steals the officer KO Start out by defeating all enemy troops near you Hideyohi sends out the siege ramp soon Defend it with the help of your allies If it gets destroyed, you're going to waste your precious time When the siege ramp is in place, defeat Naohide Matsuda immediately Don't bother with the generals in the center Go to south first, and defeat three generals there Get back to center and deal with the two other generals there Charge through the bomb corridor and head to north gate Three more generals await you there Kotaro is getting bored and orders three generals to attack your main camp Return there and finish them off Now you should head to southeast where the storehouse is located You are ambushed by Ujitada Hojo and Yasuhiro Ogasawara in the storehouse Defeat them and advance north The doors close and ninjas ambush you You need to defeat 100 opponents in order to advance Keep going north to find two more generals who are fightning against Date army Take care of them and finally it's time to head into Odawara Castle Once inside the castle proceed east where bomb corridor is being guarded by two generals Kill them as well and head upstairs Only one more to go and that's Kotaro who ambushes you Defeat him and the transport units appear right next to Hideyoshi They're far away so you'd better hurry if you don't want to lose your weapon Finish the stage by
defeating Ujiyasu and Ujimasa Hojo
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Name: Quake Maker
Base Attack: +48
Element: Fire
Stats: Musou +17, Attack +35, Defense +38, Speed +36, Luck +19
Stage: Battle of Sekigahara
Requirements: Defeat all enemy generals personally
Recommended level: +35
Same requirements as for Ina's weapon but this time you don't need to rush so much Also, you only need to protect yourself and the main camp So don't worry about your allies Go after Hiroie Kikkawa and Hidemoto Mori first Note that if you defeat Ekei Ankokuji before them they defect and that's isn't allowed to happen Your next is Ekei who is in the south Head to center of the battlefield and slay all generals there (Hideie Ukita, Teruzumi Akashi Shigemasa Toda, Tamaehiro Hiratsuka, Yoshitsugu Otani, Yukinaga Konishi, Satoie Gamo) Ginchiyo has already atttcked your main camp so get back there and kill her as well In order to defeat Hideaki Kobayakawa, Magobei Fuse must die It may take some time but lure him to fight against Masaie Natsuka and wait Eventually Magobei will be killed and Hideaki comes out of his garrison Mitsunari orders Western army to attack and they all move
to frontlines Now all you need to do is to slay remaining generals and the transport units appear in the northwestern stronghold Grab the weapon and kill Mitsunari
Mitsunari Ishida
Name: Golden Frill
Base Attack: +45
Element: Ice
Stats: Musou +36, Defense +38, Musou Charge +33, Range +37
Stage: Edo Campaign (Dream)
Requirements: Succeed in the missions 'Rescue Hideie Ukita', 'Open Edo Castle's east gate', 'Defeat the traitors quickly', 'Defeat all enemies within the castle', 'Protect Ekei Ankokuji' and 'Prevent Kotaro Fuma from entering the main camp' Finally, enter to Edo Castle from the north enterance
Recommended level: +40
You start from the northeast corner Head to north gate of Edo Castle first and defeat Naotaka Ii Hideie Ukita is lured to castle and ambushed by Masamune's rifle units Wait until you get the mission to rescue him and defeat Shigenaga Katakura Go to northwest corner of the castle courtyard, secure the stronghold and defeat Masanobu Honda there Exit from the north gate and head to east side of Edo Castle Your next
mission is to open east gate of Edo Castle, which is guarded by Yoshiaki Mogami When the gate opens, Kobayakawa (surprise, surprise), Mori and Kikkawa defect to Eastern Army and you find out Ekei Ankokuji was captured (you need to rescue him later) Your mission is to defeat these three before your allies lose hope Take out Kobayakawa who is right next to you, go south and defeat Hidemoto Mori, along with Nagachika Kanamori Only Hiroie Kikkawa remains, who is at west gate with Terumasa Ikeda When you have punished all traitors, return back to east gate of
Edo Castle (because Ieyasu locked all other gates) and before you enter to courtyard, make sure you have secured all the strongholds outside Once you have entered to courtyard, your mission is to destroy all officers within that area Mitsunari also comments that Ekei is held somewhere inside the castle But first, head to north and you find Yasumasa Sakakibara Defeat him and secure the stronghold Open the northern inner gate by defeating Defense Captain Head back to south and
defeat Ietsugu Sakai Cross the bridge and you'll find Takatora Todo, defeat him as well There's Defense Captain close to you You'll find Ekei Ankokuji from the gate behind him and he needs to be escorted back to Toyotomi main camp Ieyasu's ninja officer Toranosuke Aoyama appears Defeat him to protect Ekei Open Edo Castle's south gate, defeat Shigezane Date and Ekei should be able to reach the main camp by himself Proceed to the west side of courtyard, open the western gate, secure the stronghold and annihilate Naomasa Ii Kotaro appears in north and heads toward Hideyori (did you really think he was defeated in Odawara?) Exit from Edo Castle's west gate and when you approach Kotaro you need to prevent him from reaching your main camp Complete this last mission and finally it's time to head inside the Edo Castle
Now pay attention: You must enter Edo Castle from the north enterance and keep going until a fence blocks your path Soon Ekei says: If I remember correctly, the main keep is connected to another keep, smaller keepAfter this quote, you get the valuable item report It's on the bridge, which connects inner and main keep Destroy Hideyasu Yuki and Hidetada Tokugawa before you head to smaller keep Now all you need to do is to defeat remaining enemy officers (Hidemune Date, Masamune and Tadakatsu) and collect your valuable item (you can't miss it) before
killing Ieyasu Tokugawa
Nagamasa Azai
Name: King's Honor
Base Attack: +45
Element: Lightning
Stats: Attack +35, Defense +17, Horse +35, Musou Charge +56
Stage: Defense of Odani Castle
Requirements: Succeed in the mission 'Defeat all enemy officers at Mt Jizo' Keep most of your allies alive and get rid of all enemy generals except Nobutada Oda and No Complete the requirements within 10 minutes and wait for Nagamasa to order full assault
Recommended level: +25
This is easy weapon to obtain since it's ok if you don't get all officer KOs Just concentrate on keeping your allies alive and completing the missions You start from the northeast corner Go west and defeat the first two officers you encounter, Saizo Kani and Hidemasa Hori Keep going west and enter the garrison Complete the first mission by defeating the two officers there Exit Mt Jizo from the south enterance and you'll face Ranmaru and Ujisato Gamo Defeat them and Mitsuhide who appeared right next to you Then, hurry to central garrison which Hideyoshi blew up and prevent his entry to Inner Ward Also, when you enter the garrison, defeat the three Oda officers who ambush you Now head to Kingo Ward in the southeast and rescue Tsunachika Kaiho from Katsuie Shibata Proceed westwards and defeat Kazumasa Takigawa and Narimasa Sassa Return to Minor Ward in the north and you'll find the last two Oda officers Defeat them and Nagamasa orders his army to charge Assuming you did everything within 10 minutes, the transport units appear in the west stronghold south of MtJizo Catch up with them and slay Nobunaga in the name of honor and love
NOTE: Make sure you defeat Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide and Katsuie personally, just in case
Sakon Shima
Name: Wrecking Blade
Base Attack: +46
Element: Wind
Stats: Life +18, Attack +36, Defense +37, Musou Charge +34, Attack Range +12
Stage: Battle of Sekigahara
Requirements: Defeat all enemy generals personally while keeping all of your allies alive
Recommended level: +35
It's important to remember that you don't need to protect or kill the defecting units (Kikkawa, Mori and Kobayakawa) However, it's recommended that you kill them in case they defect Start by defeating the two closest enemy generals, Nagamasa Kuroda and Sadatsugu Tsutsui Once you have defeated them take out Eastern Army's cannons With cannons captured, your allies have better chances against enemy Before Magobei Fuse shows up, defeat as many enemy generals in center as you can (Takatora Todo, Yoshiaki Kato, Masanori Fukushima and Yoshimasa Tanaka)
Tokugawa sends his 2nd wave, but you can ignore it for now When Magobei Fuse appears, go after him immediately (otherwise Kobayakawa defects and this really lowers your morale) Now head to northeast garrison, where Ankokuji, Kikkawa and Mori are There you have plenty of generals to defeat: Yoshinaga Asano, Terumasa Ikeda, Kazutoyo Yamanouchi and Hanzo Hattori who is heading towards you However, before you go to help Ekei, Interim save If you get too near the garrison, Mori and Kikkawa defect Try to hit the enemy generals at least once, so that they start to follow you and lure them away from the garrison Defeat all 4 officers and seal the stronghold in the north to ensure Ekei Ankokuji's safety Ekei should be able
to care of himself now Your next goal is to defeat rest of the enemy generals in the center or try to prevent Ina from reaching your main camp (but it doesn't matter if she reaches there)
With Ina and enemy generals in the center being defeated, head to Ginchiyo's ******** There you should find Tadaoki Hosokawa Defeat him and only Tadakatsu Honda remains If Tadakatsu is surrounded by your allies, Interim Save to make sure that he doesn't kill any of your allies and you deal the final blow on him Transport units should appear soon if you defeated all enemy generals personally and your all allies survived Go get your weapon and finish the stage by defeating Ieyasu Tokugawa
Ginchiyo Tachibana
Name: Heaven's Bite
Base Attack: +44
Element: Lightning
Stats: Life +18, Musou +18, Attack +20, Defense +17, Speed +18, Luck +19, Musou Charge +20, Range +17
Stage: Conquest for Kyushu
Requirements: First defeat three Shimazu brothers: Iehisa, Yoshihiro and Toshihisa And when you enter the Shimazu HQ, defeat them in order: Iehisa, Toshihisa and Yoshihiro
Recommended level: Any
This is one of the easiest weapons to obtain in game, no doubt about that Cross the bridge and defeat Iehisa Shimazu immediately Take out Nobumitsu Sarawatari as well (and Tadamoto Niiro if he appeared) Head to garrison in the east, defeat Arinobu Yamada and Tadanaga Shimazu Proceed to Tsuruga Castle in the south and defeat Yoshihiro Exit Tsuruga Castle from the eastern enterance and you are ambushed by Toshihisa Shimazu, Hisatora Ei and Tadatsune Shimazu Defeat all three and attack the Shimazu HQ Yoshihiro, Iehisa and Toshihisa ambush you First you must defeat Iehisa, then Toshihisa and lastly Yoshihiro If you did everything right the transport units appear north of Tsuruga Castle Grab your weapon, give a hand to your allies and defeat the last member of Shimazu clan, Yoshihisa
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This is my SW2 4th weapon guide This was originally published on KW's Samurai Warriors 2 section (ages ago) but since visitors and members rarely view that section, I thought it would be wise to put this guide on forums If someone is still having trouble for obtaining 4th weapons, I hope this guide is able to provide the help you need Enjoy
**Credit to GOW, Gtown and everyone else who have provided various 4th5th weapon requirements**
Things to remember before trying to obtain 4th weapons:
• You need to complete character's Story Mode at least once in any difficulty Dream Stages are not necessary, however
• They can only be obtained in Story Mode (with the exception of Okuni and Ranmaru)
• Difficulty must be set on Hard or above
• If you're using 2nd player, make sure that 1st player fulfills the requirements
• If you're playing with XL, you'll need SW2 disc in order to get 4th weapons for SW2 characters
Yukimura Sanada
Name: Dragon's Tail
Base Attack: +45
Element: Fire
Stats: Life +19, Attack +35, Defense +38, Horse +18, Musou Charge +32
Stage: Osaka Campaign
Requirements: Prevent Ina and Masamune from entering the main keep once they advance Valuable item appears after Hideyori Toyotomi orders Toyotomi Army to charge
Recommended level: +25
First take out Katsumoto Takagiri and exit Osaka Castle from the south enterance Defeat Naotaka Ii, Toshitsune Maeda and Tadanao Matsudaira (if you have time) outside the castle Ieyasu soon sends out his cannon Ignore Takatora Todo and destroy the cannon When the cannon has been destroyed, finish off Todo and proceed to northeast where Ina is Prevent her entry to Osaka Castle's main keep Take care of Tadateru Matsudaira and Nagamasa Kuroda as well Lastly, head to northwest corner where Masamune is with his officers Defeat Masamune and wait for Hideyori to order Toyotomi Army to charge Valuable item should appear on the first floor of Osaka Castle Then, finish the stage normally
Keiji Maeda
Name: Divine Mandible
Base Attack +50
Element: Lightning
Stats: Life +18, Attack +53, Horse +19, Musou Charge +49
Stage: Battle of Hasedo
Requirements: Obtain 1000 KOs
Recommended level: +30
Defeat Yoshiaki Mogami at the first gate Break through the 2nd gate as well by defeating all enemy generals At the third gate, when your mission is to stop the enemy, start the slaughtering However, don't kill all enemy generals so that you don't run out of soldiers Once you have obtained 1000 KOs, a tranport units appears just southwest of the 2nd gate Catch up with them and go aid Kanetsugu who is being attacked by Masamune
Nobunaga Oda
Name: Demon Regalia
Base Attack: +46
Element: Wind
Stats: Musou +18, Attack +35, Defense +16, Speed +18, Musou Charge +35, Attack Range +19
Stage: Battle of Tedorigawa
Requirements: Rescue all of your allied units; Hideyoshi Hashiba, Toshiie Maeda, Nagahide Niwa, Katsuei Shibata and Kazumasa Takigawa
Recommended level: +20
Proceed north and defeat Shigeie Shimura immediately Cross the bridge in the north and defeat Kagetsugu Amakasu First ally you're going to rescue is Hideyoshi in the north Defeat the general near him and Hideyoshi starts his retreat into south Keep on going and rescue Toshiie Maeda from the enemy general Katsuie Shibata is fightning against Takahiro Kitajaro in the small island Rescue him as well From Katsuie's ******** head southwest and aid Kazumasa Takigawa Only one ally remains and that's Nagahide Niwa in the south Give him a hand and escort him to escape point Nagaatsu Shimura is probably bothering your allies at the west so take care of him as soon as possible Once the last allied unit has reached the escape point, transport units appear near Kenshin's main camp Go grab your weapon, prevent
Kanetsugu's entry to Funaoka Castle and kill Kenshin to complete the stage
Mitsuhide Akechi
Name: Gilded Talon
Base Attack: +45
Element: Lightning
Stats: Musou +36, Attack +34, Defense +35, Attack Range +37
Stage: Mitsuhide Unites Japan (Dream)
Requirements: When Kotaro appears, have at least 4 allied officers alive so that Mitsuhide's army advances
Recommended level: +40
Start by defeating Narimasa Sassa Head to south and recue your ally by defeating Katsuie Shibata, Toshiie Maeda and Kazumasa Takigawa Go further to the south where Masamune is Defeat him and his officers in order to rescue another ally Head back to your main camp Now defeat all approaching enemy generals (Keiji, Tadayu Okubo, Kazumasa Ishikawa, Okuni, Nagazane Irobe, Tadasuke Okubo, Shigenaga Honjo, Yukimura and Kanetsugu) with the help of your allies Once you have dealt with all enemy generals, approach Tokugawa main camp from the north Defeat Mototada Torii and Tadatsugu Sakai who are guarding the first and second gates Now you can approach Tadakatsu and when you've done that Kotaro appears in the north If you have at least four allies alive, a message saying 'The Akechi Army is advancing' shows up on the screen and the transport units come out of the stronghold just northwest of the first north gate Oh, and have fun with Kotaro and Tadakatsu
Kenshin Uesugi
Frozen Flame
Base Attack: +46
Element: Ice
Stats: Musou +19, Attack +50, Speed +38, Attack Range +34
Stage: Conquest for Kyushu (Dream)
Requirements: Activate the geyser event, get trapped inside the northwestern garrison, defeat Mitsuhide and Ranmaru in that order
Recommended level: +40
Recommended equipment:
Matsukaze, Persian Mare or Moon Child as your mount
Have 3rd weapon with Ice or Demon element and if possible, with Attack boost as well
Have Fitness, Opportunity, Awakening, Potence, True Power and EleCharge skills at level 3
You start from the south Take western route, head north, past the geyser Occupy the stronghold near you and the geyser event triggers soon You need to take a long detour now Go all the way north, turn east, past the Takeda main camp and head for Tsuruga Castle where Shingen is already struggling against Hashiba Army When you arrive to Tsuruga Castle, make sure you defeat all Hashiba generals Now wait untill the west gate of Tsuruga Castle opens and hurry back to Uesugi main camp Rescue Kageie Kagizaki and Kanetsugu by defeating all generals in the south At this point Yukimura is having trouble in the north so advance there Defeat Nene and Toshiie MaedaNagachika Kanamori (XL) and your allies are safe for now Head to Yoshihiro's ******** in northwest before your allies do The gates close behind you and you're ambushed by Yoshihiro, Yoshihisa Shimazu, No and Nobutada Oda Kill all of them as fast as you can and exit the main camp First head to Takeda main camp and defeat the generals there Ranmaru is approaching towards you but you don't have time for him Instead, head to Mitsuhide's ******** and take on both of them (sucks, I know) Keep in mind that you must defeat Mitsuhide first and then Ranmaru Once they both are dead the transport units appear in the Uesugi main camp Get your weapon, kill the enemy generals while you're there and prepare for the final battle against Yoshihiro and his brother, Yoshihisa
Name: Cup and Gold
Base Attack: +42
Element: Lightning
Stats: Life +34, Attack +38, Defense +34, Musou Charge +32
Stage: Incident at Shizukatage (Dream)
Requirements: Succeed in the mission 'Rescue Nagamasa Azai' and defeat Nobunaga Oda and No Defeat Ginchiyo Tachibana and Ina Defeat Ranmaru Mori Lastly, defeat Okuni (defects) and Nene in that order and wait until No shows up 2nd time
Recommended level: +40
Take out Narimasa Sassa, Toshiie Maeda and Hidemasa Hori when the stage begins Move to north and defeat Yoshinari Mori Enemies should have already ambushed Nagamasa in the north Go for his aid and complete the mission 'Rescue Nagamasa Azai' by defeating generals near him Now comes the hard part, you must defeat No and Nobunaga, but not Nene If you defeat No first, Nobunaga leaves the battlefield and you can't let that happen So take your horse and charge into Oda main camp Defeat him quickly though because No might go after Nagamasa and you can't afford to lose him Once Nobunaga has been defeated, finish off No Now all Oda and Azai generals retreat, except Nene, Okuni and Nagamasa Soon Ginchiyo and Ina appear in the east and they're after you Show them whose the boss while avoiding Nene Your next opponent will be Ranmaru (hope you're not surprised) who appears in the south Just like Nene, he's in the hyper mode but at least he's slower than you Defeat him as fast as you can and yes, you still need to avoid Nene Now that you have defeated all generals, Okuni thinks she's the most beautiful and decides to defect However, you must defeat Okuni first (watch out, she's quite strong) and then Nene Finally, No appears for the 2nd time and at the same time the transport units come out from the stronghold located southwest from the central garrison Annihilate them and beat No to claim the of the most beautiful woman in the Japan!
Name: Raging Sun
Base Attack: +44
Element: Fire
Stats: Attack +19, Defense +37, Speed +17, Dexterity +39, Attack Range +35
Stage: Survival Mode The Traveling Dancer
Requirements: Do the mission 'The Traveling Dancer' on floor 61 or above and defeat Keiji Maeda
Recommended level: +35
Get at least 3000 gold so that you can start the Survival Mode from floor 51Complete two missions (doesn't matter what they are) and you're on floor 61 Save your game and quit Continue the Survival Mode and if you don't see the mission 'The Traveling Dancer' on the list, soft reset (Start+Select), go to options menu, load your game and choose 'Continue' again Keep doing this until the mission appears The goal of 'The Traveling Dancer' is to help Okuni to collect funds for the Izumo Shrine If you allow her to be defeated on floors 14 the mission fails so take good care of her On the 1st floor, listen what Okuni has to tell you and the door to the stairs opens On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors you have to convince one of the warlords to donate money for you The warlords are Shingen, Kenshin, Ieyasu, Hideyoshi and Nobunaga Succeed in the given tasks on each floor to get the donation On the 5th floor you'll find Keiji Help him to defeat the imposter Okuni After you have defeated the imposter, Keiji says he has something for you a match against him! Beat him with your umbrella and grab the red weapon box which he drops Proceed upstairs and you're the new happy owner of Okuni's ultimate weapon
Magoichi Saika
Name: Marksman's Pride
Base Attack: +45
Element: Fire
Stats: Life +35, Attack +38, Musou Charge +20, Attack Range +39, Luck +12
Stage: Escape from Honnouji
Requirements: Defeat Nobunaga Oda within 10 minutes
Recommended level: +30
This is not hard weapon to obtain but maybe a bit annoying And because your time limit is only 10 minutes, I recommend you don't stop to help the peasants (and you might get lost) If you look at the map, you can't see your position but you start from the southwest corner Go along the western edge of the map until you come to a stronghold Check the map again and you should see a garrison which is located east from the stronghold Go there Once you arrive there, the gates close and you're ambushed by Raiders Before you dismount your horse, make sure it faces north so you know where you're supposed to go when you mount it again Kill the Raiders and exit the garrison from the north enterance No and Ranmaru appear in front of you Kill them quickly and keep going north until you see another stronghold From there, head east and you arrive at the gates of another garrison Gates are being guarded by Shigetomo Akechi Defeat him and enter the garrison This time, make sure that your horse faces south when you dismount Nobunaga should appear pretty soon Use all your strenght to defeat him as fast as you can and then Interim save immediately The transport units appear somewhere in the south and they head west I'm not sure where exactly but if you ride to southeastern stronghold (go along the eastern edge) and then head west, you should encounter them When you have the weapon, head back to garrison where Kotaro is Defeat him to finish the stage
Shingen Takeda
Name: Heaven's Sign
Base Attack: +48
Element: Wind
Stats: Life +18, Attack +20, Defense +51, Ride +20, Speed +19, Attack Range +19
Stage: Battle of Nagashino
Requirements: Succeed in the missions 'Seize control of Nagashino Castle', 'Defend the Tobigasu garrison', 'Prevent Tadakatsu Honda from entering the main camp', 'Prevent Hideyoshi Hashiba from entering the main camp' and wait for the rain event
Recommended level: +30
Your first task is to occupy Nagashino Castle Defeat the general in front of the gate Enter the garrison and defeat two more generals to succeed in the first mission Head to Tobigasu garrison in the south Defeat Nagachika Kanamori on your way there Once you're in Tobigasu, complete the mission by defeating Tadatsugu Sakai and the approaching Mitsuhide From Tobigasu, cross the bridge and prepare to face Tadakatsu Your next mission is to prevent him from entering the main camp He's tough but with Shingen's Special skills Tadakatsu will be dead in no time With Tadakatsu out of the way, head north where Hideyoshi is Your mission is to prevent his entry to main camp as well Fortunetly, he's not in hyper mode so defeating him doesn't take much time After Hideyoshi is gone, the rain event happens Shingen then orders a charge and the transport units appear in the most southern stronghold
Grab the weapon and destroy Nobunaga
Masamune Date
Name: Manhunters
Base Attack: +44
Element: Ice
Stats: Attack +37, Ride +36, Musou Charge +38, Attack Range +35
Stage: Showdown at Mikatagahara
Requirements: Defeat all enemy officers personally while protecting all of your allies
Recommended level: +35
All right Requirements for this weapon are quite simple However, Interim save often because you don't want to start the stage from the beginning just because your BG or ally happened to deal the finishing blow on enemy officer First head to northeast garrison, defeat Yoshinao Tokugawa and Ietsugu Sakai there Before heading out to western garrison, secure the two strongholds near you This is pretty important since you need to protect your allies Proceed to west garrison and slay Yorinobu Tokugawa there Secure the stronghold as well Go back to central garrison and defeat Naotaka Ii along with Musashi Now that the central garrison is your main camp, head to southwest corner and defeat Tadachika Okubo and Masanobu Honda Don't enter to Hamamatsu Castle yet First secure all the remaining enemy stronholds When you have done that, lure Tadamasa Honda out of the castle and defeat him Interim save and enter the castle Take out Hanzo immediately and go after Ina in the north Defeat her and hurry back to central garrison Your allies are
probably struggling against Tadakatsu when you arrive there He's hard to beat (what a surprise) and has two generals to help him Try to do your best and beat him as fast as you can since your allies are already struggling in west garrison Head there and slay Hidetada Tokugawa If all of your allies survived and you killed all enemy generals personally, the transport units spawn in the northwest stronghold Finish them off and steal the Japan from Ieyasu
Name: Delicious Venom
Base Attack: +44
Element: Wind
Stats: Musou +38, Defense +36, Speed +37, Musou Charge +36
Stage: Incident at Honnoji
Requirements: Succeed in the mission 'Rescue Nobutada Oda' Keep Nobutada alive until Ranmaru is killed without triggering the mission 'Assist Ranmaru'
Recommended level: +35
Exit Honnoji through the west gate and kill Nobuharu Tsuda Mitsuhide launches the fire attack soon Quickly head north towards Nijo Castle and defeat Kaneaki Mimaki Face Hidemitsu Akechi in the north which triggers the mission to rescue Nobutada Oda Defeat him to complete the mission To ensure Nobutada's safety, defeat Junkei Tsutsui and Shigetomo Akechi as well However, leave Sadaoki Ise alive He should be able to keep Nobutada busy without defeating him Interim save now Return to Nobunaga's ******** and kill the officers near him Finally Mitsuhide appears with reinforcements and Ranmaru starts heading towards his ******** Defeat all approaching enemy officers and soldiers around Nobunaga Before you go to Mitsuhide's ********, Interim save If you get too close to him and Ranmaru, you unlock the mission 'Assist Ranmaru' Take distance from them and watch the fight
of the two Ranmaru should die pretty quickly and Mitsuhide advances to Honnoji The transport units will appear in the west stronghold which is southwest of Nijo Castle Catch up with them and hurry back to Nobunaga to save the day
Hanzo Hattori
Name: Chained Dragon
Base Attack: +44
Element: Demon
Stats: Attack +39, Speed +36, Dexterity +34, Attack Range +38
Stage: Siege of Ueda Castle (Dream)
Requirements: Defeat all Kotaro doubles and Yukimura before defeating Masayuki Sanada
Recommended level: +40
Take the hidden path in the west and proceed north Defeat Tomonobu Saito and Chikanori Suibara Take Toishi Castle by defeating Yataro Onikojima Kotaro appears in the south but at the same time the Spy units appear in the east Stop them first to prevent the flood attack Return to Kotaro and defeat him When you approach Ueda Castle, three Kotaro clones appear First head south and use the ninja route to reach the first Kotaro Continue to southeast and rescue Ieyasu by defeating all enemy officers around him Go back to ninja route and head to center You'll find another Kotaro clone who is fightning alongside Yukimura Lure him away from Yukimura and defeat him Now you can try to defeat Yukimura himself He's in superhyper mode and extremely hard to beat If you happen to find Attack x2, you can flinch him with basic attacks Otherwise stun him with your R1+S attack and juggle him to death Anyway, the last Kotaro clone can be found inside the castle Enter to castle and defeat Nobuyuki Sanada Proceed to underground main keep in the north to face the
last Kotaro Defeat him and the valuable item appears just a bit north from your ******** Grab it and take control of Ueda Castle
Ranmaru Mori
Name: Iron Vengeance
Base Attack: +46
Element: Ice
Stats: Life +37, Defense +38, Speed +19, Musou Charge +37, Attack Range +14
Stage: Survival Mode Keiji's Real Request
Requirements: Defeat Keiji Maeda in the mission 'Keiji's Real Request' In order to unlock the mission, first you need to finish Mitsuhide Akechi's 3rd Request on floor 41 and then Keiji Maeda's 2nd Request on floor 31 When you have finished the missions, 'Keiji's Real Request' spawns on floor 46
Recommended level: +35
You must reach the last floor in the mission 'Keiji's Real Request' to fight against Keiji On the first four floors, you need to defeat a certain character(s) in order to advance:
1st floor Katsuei Shibata
2nd floor No
3rd floor Oichi
4th floor Hideyoshi and Nene
On the 5th floor your first task is to slay as many as enemies as you want to Defeat 100 and Keiji states that he wants to fight against you At first, he seems to be too easy but when his HP reaches critical he starts to fight seriously When this happens, his HP recovers back to max and he's in superhyper mode He's now much harder to beat since normal attacks don't stagger him Once you have taken him down, he drops a weapon box which contains the ultimate weapon Grab the box and head upstairs
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Name: Simian Sansetsu
Base Attack: +42
Element: Lightning
Stats: Speed +60, Dexterity +40, Luck +60
Stage: Battle of Shizukatage
Requirements: Succeed in the mission 'Defeat Keiji Maeda'
Recommended level: +25
This weapon is pretty simple to obtain Only requirement is to succeed in a certain mission but you need to do a couple of things before you can trigger it Defeat Yasumasa Sakuma first and proceed to first garrison in the north Beat Katsumitsu Fuwa there Ignore the other garrison for now and head to garrison where Toshiie Maeda is First defeat Toshinaga Maeda in front of the gate Enter the garrison and convince Toshiie Maeda to retreat Once Toshiie has retreated, Keiji decides to move out but don't mind him yet Morimasa Sakuma has already advanced and is probably at your main camp Defeat him and Shogen Yamaji (who defected) first Before facing Keiji, occupy the remaining garrisons and Interim save At first, you are told to ignore Keiji but keep attacking him and when he has lost half of his HP you unlock the mission to defeat him Succeed in mission and the transport units appear in the garrison where Toshiie was Kill them before they escape with your weapon and defeat Katsuie Shibata
Tadakatsu Honda
Name: Tonbogiri
Base Attack +50
Element: Fire
Stats: Musou +15, Attack +37, Defense +53, Musou Charge +33
Stage: Tournament of Champions (Dream)
Requirements: Succeed in the missions 'Prevent KeijiMusashiKojiroHanzo KotaroNeneHideyoshiIeyasuMasamune from entering the centralwesteast garrison'
Recommended level: +40
*See Kenshin Uesugi's 4th weapon for the recommended equipment
Let's start with good news: You're playing as Tadakatsu who is extremely strong character and is able to annihilate enemies quickly Then the bad news this is a Dream stage and you need to be really really fast if you want to succeed in the requirements Luck is also a big factor when trying to obtain this weapon That's why giving a detailed walkthrough is hard but I'll try to do my best
Your main goal is to prevent any of the unique characters from entering the garrisons The garrisons are located in the center, northwest and southeast The garrison where the enemy advances is always random Because of this, you should always Interim save before new group of officers appear If they happen to proceed toward wrong garrisons, you might not be able to stop them in time When this happens, you need to reset the game and keep trying until all generals head to the garrisons where they are supposed to go in the first place Also, defeat generals after the missions appear! If you defeat even one of them before you are told to, you won't get the weapon The enterances of all three garrisons are protected by allied troops Try to keep them alive as long as possible since they are able to buy some time for you Say, if Hanzo advances to northwestern garrison, of which enterance is guarded by allied troops and Nene is advancing to southeastern garrison, of which enterance hasn't got a single soldier, it would be wise to go after Nene first Anyway, I think I've said enough Here's the method for obtaining the weapon
You start from the central garrison The first three groups appear in random order (my order was Miscreants, Swordsmen and Ninjas but it really doesn't matter) Hope that Miscreants appear first since you only need to stop one of them, Keiji Head to his ******** in the southwest and defeat him There are four officers left, defeat three of them Lure the last one to southwestern corner and Interim save Next group to appear are swordsmen or ninjas Keep reseting until swordsmen appear This time you need to prevent two of them from entering the garrisons, Musashi and Kojiro If Musashi heads to southeastern garrison, reset Defeat Kojiro first and go after Musashi Again, leave one of the generic officers alive Lure him near the northwestern gate of central garrison and Interim save Defeat him and ninjas appear Your s are Kotaro, Hanzo and Nene If Nene proceeds to southeastern garrison, reset Defeat Kotaro first because he's closest to you Go after Hanzo (not necessary if he decided to head to northwestern garrison) and take care of Nene before she causes more damage to your army Again, leave one of the generics alive Lure him near the northwestern gate of central garrison Interim save and defeat him The final group to appear are minor warlords The generals who you want to prevent from entering the garrisons are Masamune, Ieyasu and Hideyoshi Reset the game if Hideyoshi moves to southeastern garrison and Ieyasu doesn't advance west These three are in hyper mode so they are slightly tougher than previous generals Beat up Masamune right next to you and the approaching Ieyasu Head towards Hideyoshi's ******** and prevent his entry to garrison The transport units appear in the the stronghold south of central garrison's southern gate The pain is finally over and you can finish the stage by slaying the remaining warlords
Note: Since obtaining this weapon depends so much about luck, my method always
doesn't work It pretty much depends how many soldiers there are standing in
front of the gate where the enemy general is heading to
LittleDragonZ's Guide:
Simply get up to the point where the minor lords group appears, but before you do, make sure you save the game before defeating the last faceless officer Hopefully he will be in the center as well
Now what you want is for you to stay in the center garrison and for Masamune to head east, Ieyasu to go west and Hideyoshi to go east It took me many times to think about this but I think its better this way But you can also do Masamune and Iesyasu going west and Hideyoshi moving east, but you need to be very fast in doing so and defeat the two together Anyway:
1 Get Masamune's attention since he will appear north What you should then do is head through the center garrison whilst mounted Take his horse if you can and go south to defeat Hideyoshi This is because Masamune would be stupid enough to fight in the center instead of going east And remember, it doesn't matter if either three fight in any of the other garrisons that they weren't intended to
2 So after you kill Hideyoshi, head north and go west to defeat Ieyasu who will be very close to the west garrison Why I'm saying go this way is because if you go south and north through the west garrison, you might find that Ieyasu will spot you and head towards you going through the base and stopping you from getting the weapon
3 So lastly, once thats done just move to the middle and defeat Masamune remembering that he is not allowed to be the last officer available to you You need another to be alive, obviously a faceless officer, in order to stop the special unit troops escape and not end the stage since he, Masamune Date, is a requirement
Name: Coiled Viper
Base Attack: +44
Element: Ice
Stats: Attack +17, Defense +33, Dexterity +16, Musou Charge +36, Attack Range +38
Stage: Siege of Odawara Castle
Requirements: Defeat all enemy generals personally
Recommended level: Any
This weapon is simple and easy to obtain If you want to have some challenge, reset Ina and try this on Chaos That's fun Once again, using the Interim save often is useful because you fail to get the weapon if your ally or BG steals the officer KO Start out by defeating all enemy troops near you Hideyohi sends out the siege ramp soon Defend it with the help of your allies If it gets destroyed, you're going to waste your precious time When the siege ramp is in place, defeat Naohide Matsuda immediately Don't bother with the generals in the center Go to south first, and defeat three generals there Get back to center and deal with the two other generals there Charge through the bomb corridor and head to north gate Three more generals await you there Kotaro is getting bored and orders three generals to attack your main camp Return there and finish them off Now you should head to southeast where the storehouse is located You are ambushed by Ujitada Hojo and Yasuhiro Ogasawara in the storehouse Defeat them and advance north The doors close and ninjas ambush you You need to defeat 100 opponents in order to advance Keep going north to find two more generals who are fightning against Date army Take care of them and finally it's time to head into Odawara Castle Once inside the castle proceed east where bomb corridor is being guarded by two generals Kill them as well and head upstairs Only one more to go and that's Kotaro who ambushes you Defeat him and the transport units appear right next to Hideyoshi They're far away so you'd better hurry if you don't want to lose your weapon Finish the stage by
defeating Ujiyasu and Ujimasa Hojo
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Name: Quake Maker
Base Attack: +48
Element: Fire
Stats: Musou +17, Attack +35, Defense +38, Speed +36, Luck +19
Stage: Battle of Sekigahara
Requirements: Defeat all enemy generals personally
Recommended level: +35
Same requirements as for Ina's weapon but this time you don't need to rush so much Also, you only need to protect yourself and the main camp So don't worry about your allies Go after Hiroie Kikkawa and Hidemoto Mori first Note that if you defeat Ekei Ankokuji before them they defect and that's isn't allowed to happen Your next is Ekei who is in the south Head to center of the battlefield and slay all generals there (Hideie Ukita, Teruzumi Akashi Shigemasa Toda, Tamaehiro Hiratsuka, Yoshitsugu Otani, Yukinaga Konishi, Satoie Gamo) Ginchiyo has already atttcked your main camp so get back there and kill her as well In order to defeat Hideaki Kobayakawa, Magobei Fuse must die It may take some time but lure him to fight against Masaie Natsuka and wait Eventually Magobei will be killed and Hideaki comes out of his garrison Mitsunari orders Western army to attack and they all move
to frontlines Now all you need to do is to slay remaining generals and the transport units appear in the northwestern stronghold Grab the weapon and kill Mitsunari
Mitsunari Ishida
Name: Golden Frill
Base Attack: +45
Element: Ice
Stats: Musou +36, Defense +38, Musou Charge +33, Range +37
Stage: Edo Campaign (Dream)
Requirements: Succeed in the missions 'Rescue Hideie Ukita', 'Open Edo Castle's east gate', 'Defeat the traitors quickly', 'Defeat all enemies within the castle', 'Protect Ekei Ankokuji' and 'Prevent Kotaro Fuma from entering the main camp' Finally, enter to Edo Castle from the north enterance
Recommended level: +40
You start from the northeast corner Head to north gate of Edo Castle first and defeat Naotaka Ii Hideie Ukita is lured to castle and ambushed by Masamune's rifle units Wait until you get the mission to rescue him and defeat Shigenaga Katakura Go to northwest corner of the castle courtyard, secure the stronghold and defeat Masanobu Honda there Exit from the north gate and head to east side of Edo Castle Your next
mission is to open east gate of Edo Castle, which is guarded by Yoshiaki Mogami When the gate opens, Kobayakawa (surprise, surprise), Mori and Kikkawa defect to Eastern Army and you find out Ekei Ankokuji was captured (you need to rescue him later) Your mission is to defeat these three before your allies lose hope Take out Kobayakawa who is right next to you, go south and defeat Hidemoto Mori, along with Nagachika Kanamori Only Hiroie Kikkawa remains, who is at west gate with Terumasa Ikeda When you have punished all traitors, return back to east gate of
Edo Castle (because Ieyasu locked all other gates) and before you enter to courtyard, make sure you have secured all the strongholds outside Once you have entered to courtyard, your mission is to destroy all officers within that area Mitsunari also comments that Ekei is held somewhere inside the castle But first, head to north and you find Yasumasa Sakakibara Defeat him and secure the stronghold Open the northern inner gate by defeating Defense Captain Head back to south and
defeat Ietsugu Sakai Cross the bridge and you'll find Takatora Todo, defeat him as well There's Defense Captain close to you You'll find Ekei Ankokuji from the gate behind him and he needs to be escorted back to Toyotomi main camp Ieyasu's ninja officer Toranosuke Aoyama appears Defeat him to protect Ekei Open Edo Castle's south gate, defeat Shigezane Date and Ekei should be able to reach the main camp by himself Proceed to the west side of courtyard, open the western gate, secure the stronghold and annihilate Naomasa Ii Kotaro appears in north and heads toward Hideyori (did you really think he was defeated in Odawara?) Exit from Edo Castle's west gate and when you approach Kotaro you need to prevent him from reaching your main camp Complete this last mission and finally it's time to head inside the Edo Castle
Now pay attention: You must enter Edo Castle from the north enterance and keep going until a fence blocks your path Soon Ekei says: If I remember correctly, the main keep is connected to another keep, smaller keepAfter this quote, you get the valuable item report It's on the bridge, which connects inner and main keep Destroy Hideyasu Yuki and Hidetada Tokugawa before you head to smaller keep Now all you need to do is to defeat remaining enemy officers (Hidemune Date, Masamune and Tadakatsu) and collect your valuable item (you can't miss it) before
killing Ieyasu Tokugawa
Nagamasa Azai
Name: King's Honor
Base Attack: +45
Element: Lightning
Stats: Attack +35, Defense +17, Horse +35, Musou Charge +56
Stage: Defense of Odani Castle
Requirements: Succeed in the mission 'Defeat all enemy officers at Mt Jizo' Keep most of your allies alive and get rid of all enemy generals except Nobutada Oda and No Complete the requirements within 10 minutes and wait for Nagamasa to order full assault
Recommended level: +25
This is easy weapon to obtain since it's ok if you don't get all officer KOs Just concentrate on keeping your allies alive and completing the missions You start from the northeast corner Go west and defeat the first two officers you encounter, Saizo Kani and Hidemasa Hori Keep going west and enter the garrison Complete the first mission by defeating the two officers there Exit Mt Jizo from the south enterance and you'll face Ranmaru and Ujisato Gamo Defeat them and Mitsuhide who appeared right next to you Then, hurry to central garrison which Hideyoshi blew up and prevent his entry to Inner Ward Also, when you enter the garrison, defeat the three Oda officers who ambush you Now head to Kingo Ward in the southeast and rescue Tsunachika Kaiho from Katsuie Shibata Proceed westwards and defeat Kazumasa Takigawa and Narimasa Sassa Return to Minor Ward in the north and you'll find the last two Oda officers Defeat them and Nagamasa orders his army to charge Assuming you did everything within 10 minutes, the transport units appear in the west stronghold south of MtJizo Catch up with them and slay Nobunaga in the name of honor and love
NOTE: Make sure you defeat Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide and Katsuie personally, just in case
Sakon Shima
Name: Wrecking Blade
Base Attack: +46
Element: Wind
Stats: Life +18, Attack +36, Defense +37, Musou Charge +34, Attack Range +12
Stage: Battle of Sekigahara
Requirements: Defeat all enemy generals personally while keeping all of your allies alive
Recommended level: +35
It's important to remember that you don't need to protect or kill the defecting units (Kikkawa, Mori and Kobayakawa) However, it's recommended that you kill them in case they defect Start by defeating the two closest enemy generals, Nagamasa Kuroda and Sadatsugu Tsutsui Once you have defeated them take out Eastern Army's cannons With cannons captured, your allies have better chances against enemy Before Magobei Fuse shows up, defeat as many enemy generals in center as you can (Takatora Todo, Yoshiaki Kato, Masanori Fukushima and Yoshimasa Tanaka)
Tokugawa sends his 2nd wave, but you can ignore it for now When Magobei Fuse appears, go after him immediately (otherwise Kobayakawa defects and this really lowers your morale) Now head to northeast garrison, where Ankokuji, Kikkawa and Mori are There you have plenty of generals to defeat: Yoshinaga Asano, Terumasa Ikeda, Kazutoyo Yamanouchi and Hanzo Hattori who is heading towards you However, before you go to help Ekei, Interim save If you get too near the garrison, Mori and Kikkawa defect Try to hit the enemy generals at least once, so that they start to follow you and lure them away from the garrison Defeat all 4 officers and seal the stronghold in the north to ensure Ekei Ankokuji's safety Ekei should be able
to care of himself now Your next goal is to defeat rest of the enemy generals in the center or try to prevent Ina from reaching your main camp (but it doesn't matter if she reaches there)
With Ina and enemy generals in the center being defeated, head to Ginchiyo's ******** There you should find Tadaoki Hosokawa Defeat him and only Tadakatsu Honda remains If Tadakatsu is surrounded by your allies, Interim Save to make sure that he doesn't kill any of your allies and you deal the final blow on him Transport units should appear soon if you defeated all enemy generals personally and your all allies survived Go get your weapon and finish the stage by defeating Ieyasu Tokugawa
Ginchiyo Tachibana
Name: Heaven's Bite
Base Attack: +44
Element: Lightning
Stats: Life +18, Musou +18, Attack +20, Defense +17, Speed +18, Luck +19, Musou Charge +20, Range +17
Stage: Conquest for Kyushu
Requirements: First defeat three Shimazu brothers: Iehisa, Yoshihiro and Toshihisa And when you enter the Shimazu HQ, defeat them in order: Iehisa, Toshihisa and Yoshihiro
Recommended level: Any
This is one of the easiest weapons to obtain in game, no doubt about that Cross the bridge and defeat Iehisa Shimazu immediately Take out Nobumitsu Sarawatari as well (and Tadamoto Niiro if he appeared) Head to garrison in the east, defeat Arinobu Yamada and Tadanaga Shimazu Proceed to Tsuruga Castle in the south and defeat Yoshihiro Exit Tsuruga Castle from the eastern enterance and you are ambushed by Toshihisa Shimazu, Hisatora Ei and Tadatsune Shimazu Defeat all three and attack the Shimazu HQ Yoshihiro, Iehisa and Toshihisa ambush you First you must defeat Iehisa, then Toshihisa and lastly Yoshihiro If you did everything right the transport units appear north of Tsuruga Castle Grab your weapon, give a hand to your allies and defeat the last member of Shimazu clan, Yoshihisa