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Not: Bu hilelerin çoğu tüm The Sims oyunlarında kullanılabilir
Oyun sırasında CTRL + SHIFT + C tuşlarına basın ve aşağıdaki kodları yazın:
klapaucius $1000 Simoleons (v10)
rosebud $1000 Simoleons (v11)
watertool Make your home an island surrounded by water
sethour # Change time of day to # (124)
simspeed # Game speed to # (1000 to +1000)
interests View personality and interests of your Sims
autonomy # Change how Sims think on their own (1100)
growgrass # Grow grass # (1150)
mapedit onoff Edit the map
routeballoons onoff Basic tutorial onoff
sweep onoff Shows ticks of the game
tileinfo onoff Show or hide tile info
logmask Set event logging mask
drawallframes onoff Draw all frames on and off
history Dumps family history file
editchar Open CreateACharacter screen
lotsize # Change lot size to #
drawfloorable onoff Floorable grid
drawroutes onoff Selected person's path displayed
draworigins Draw colored dots at each person's origin
moveobjects Move any object
preparelot Check and fix required lot objects
histadd Add new family history to family
autolevel Architecture tools automatically set the level as needed
house Automatically load indicated house, no questions asked
asssert Force an assert for testing
loganimations Log animations in the event log window
tutorial off No tutorial object generation when tutorial house is loaded
browserfailsafe Prevent web browser crashes
previewanims onoff Preview animations onoff
tileinfo Programmer stats
quit Quit game
restoretut Restore tutorial
rotation Rotate camera
routeballoons onoff Routing debug balloons onoff
famtest Run series of random operations on unhoused families
save Save currently loaded house
plugh Say plugh
porntipsguzzardo Say porntipsguzzardo
xyzzy Say xyzzy
autonomy Set free thinking level
editgrass Set grass change value
growgrass Set grass growth
lotsize Set lot size
sethour Set time of day
Sets the neighborhood directory to the path
simlog beginend Start sim logging
sweep onoff Ticks onoff
tileinfo onoff Tile information onoff
visitorcontrol Toggle allowing visitors to be controlled using the keyboard
autoreset Toggle automatic object reset feature
cammode Toggle camera mode
allmenus Toggle display of unavail interactions in control menu
music Toggle music
quats Toggle quaternion transformations
soundlog Toggle sound log window
sound Toggle soundshtml Toggle web page creation
reloadpeople Total reload of people skeletons, animations, suits and skins
Oyun sırasında CTRL + SHIFT + C tuşlarına basın ve aşağıdaki kodları yazın:
klapaucius $1000 Simoleons (v10)
rosebud $1000 Simoleons (v11)
watertool Make your home an island surrounded by water
sethour # Change time of day to # (124)
simspeed # Game speed to # (1000 to +1000)
interests View personality and interests of your Sims
autonomy # Change how Sims think on their own (1100)
growgrass # Grow grass # (1150)
mapedit onoff Edit the map
routeballoons onoff Basic tutorial onoff
sweep onoff Shows ticks of the game
tileinfo onoff Show or hide tile info
logmask Set event logging mask
drawallframes onoff Draw all frames on and off
history Dumps family history file
editchar Open CreateACharacter screen
lotsize # Change lot size to #
drawfloorable onoff Floorable grid
drawroutes onoff Selected person's path displayed
draworigins Draw colored dots at each person's origin
moveobjects Move any object
preparelot Check and fix required lot objects
histadd Add new family history to family
autolevel Architecture tools automatically set the level as needed
house Automatically load indicated house, no questions asked
asssert Force an assert for testing
loganimations Log animations in the event log window
tutorial off No tutorial object generation when tutorial house is loaded
browserfailsafe Prevent web browser crashes
previewanims onoff Preview animations onoff
tileinfo Programmer stats
quit Quit game
restoretut Restore tutorial
rotation Rotate camera
routeballoons onoff Routing debug balloons onoff
famtest Run series of random operations on unhoused families
save Save currently loaded house
plugh Say plugh
porntipsguzzardo Say porntipsguzzardo
xyzzy Say xyzzy
autonomy Set free thinking level
editgrass Set grass change value
growgrass Set grass growth
lotsize Set lot size
sethour Set time of day
Sets the neighborhood directory to the path
simlog beginend Start sim logging
sweep onoff Ticks onoff
tileinfo onoff Tile information onoff
visitorcontrol Toggle allowing visitors to be controlled using the keyboard
autoreset Toggle automatic object reset feature
cammode Toggle camera mode
allmenus Toggle display of unavail interactions in control menu
music Toggle music
quats Toggle quaternion transformations
soundlog Toggle sound log window
sound Toggle soundshtml Toggle web page creation
reloadpeople Total reload of people skeletons, animations, suits and skins