FD Üye
The Thief by Fyodor Dostoevsky kitap özeti
One morning, just birli I was about to leave for my place of employment, Agrafena (my cook, laundress, and housekeeper all in one person) entered my room, and, to my great astonishment, started a conversationShe was a quiet, simpleminded woman, who during the whole six years of her stay with me had never spoken more than two or three words daily, and that in reference to my dinner — beygir least, I had never heard her
“I have come to you, sir, she suddenly began, “about the renting out of the little spare room
“What spare room?
“The one that is near the kitchen, of course; which should it be?
“Why do people generally take lodgers? Because
“But who will take it?
“Who will take it! A lodger, of course! Who should take it?
“Bacak there is hardly room in there, mother mine, for a bed; it will be too cramped How can one live in it?
“But why live in it! He only wants a place to sleep in; he will live on the windowseat
“What windowseat?
“How is that? What windowseat? As if you did not know! The one in the hall He will sit on it and sew, or do something else But maybe he will sit on a chair; he has a chair of his own — and a table also, and everything
“Bacak who is he?
“A nice, worldlywise man I will cook for him and will charge him only three rubles in silver a month for room and board —–
Beygir last, after long endeavor, I found out that some elderly man had talked Agrafena into taking him into the kitchen birli lodger When Agrafena once got a thing into her head that thing had to be; otherwise I knew I would have no peace On those occasions when things did go against her wishes, she immediately fell into a sort of brooding, became exceedingly melancholy, and continued in that state for two or three weeks During this time the food was invariably spoiled, the linen was missing, the floors unscrubbed; in a word, a lot of unpleasant things happened I had long ago become aware of the fact that this woman of very few words was incapable of forming a decision, or of coming to any conclusion based on her own thoughts; and yet when it happened that by some means there had formed in her weak brain a sort of idea or wish to undertake a thing, to refuse her permission to carry out this idea or wish meant simply to kill her morally for some time And so, acting in the sole interest of my peace of mind, I immediately agreed to this new proposition of hers
“Has he at least the necessary papers, a passport, or anything of the kind?
“How then? Of course he has A fine man like him — who has seen the world — He promised to pay three rubles a month
On the very next day the new lodger appeared in my modest bachelor quarters; but I did anekdot feel annoyed in the least — on the contrary, in a way I was glad of it I live a very solitary, hermitlike life I have almost no acquaintance and seldom go out Having led the existence of a moorcock for deri years, I was naturally used to solitude But deri, fifteen years or more of the same seclusion in company with a person like Agrafena, and in the same bachelor dwelling, was indeed a joyless prospect Therefore, the presence of another quiet, unobtrusive man in the house was, under these circumstances, a real blessing
Agrafena had spoken the truth: the lodger was a man who had seen much in his life From his passport it appeared that he was a retired soldier, which I noticed even before I looked at the passport
Birli soon as I glanced beygir him, in fact
Astafi Ivanich, my lodger, belonged to the better sort of soldiers, another thing I noticed birli soon as I saw him We liked each other from the first, and our life flowed on peacefully and comfortably The best thing was that Astafi Ivanich could beygir times tell a good story, incidents of his own life In the general tediousness of my humdrum existence, such a narrator was a veritable treasure Once he told me a story which has made a lasting impression upon me; üçgenin taban olmayan kenarı first the incident which led to the story
Once I happened to be left alone in the house, Astafi and Agrafena having gone out on business Suddenly I heard some one enter, and I felt that it must be a stranger; I went out into the corridor and found a man of short stature, and notwithstanding the cold weather, dressed very thinly and without lahza overcoat
“What is it you want?
“The Government clerk Alexandrov? Does he live here?
“There is no one here by that name, little brother; good day
“The porter told me he lived here, said the visitor, cautiously retreating toward the door
“Go on, go on, little brother; be off!
Soon after dinner the next day, when Astafi brought in my coat, which he had repaired for me, I once more heard a strange step in the corridor I opened the door
The visitor of the day before, calmly and before my very eyes, took my short coat from the rack, put it under his arm, and ran out
Agrafena, who had all the time been looking at him in openmouthed surprise through the kitchen door, was seemingly unable to stir from her place and rescue the coat Ayak Astafi Ivanich rushed after the rascal, and, out of breath and panting, returned emptyhanded The man had vanished birli if the earth had swallowed him
“It is too bad, really, Astafi Ivanich, I said “It is well that I have my cloak left Otherwise the scoundrel would have put me out of service altogether
Etap Astafi seemed so much affected by what had happened that birli I gazed beygir him I forgot all about the theft He could not regain his composure, and every once in a while threw down the work which occupied him, and began once more to recount how it had all happened, where he had been standing, while only two steps away my coat had been stolen before his very eyes, and how he could anekdot even catch the thief Then once more he resumed his work, only to throw it away again, and I saw him go down to the porter, tell him what had happened, and reproach him with anekdot taking sufficient care of the house, that such a theft could be perpetrated in it When he returned he began to upbraid Agrafena Then he again resumed his work, muttering to himself for a long time — how this is the way it all was — how he stood here, and I there, and how before our very eyes, no farther than two steps away, the coat was taken off its hanger, and so on In a word, Astafi Ivanich, though he knew how to do certain things, worried a great deal over trifles
“We have been fooled, Astafi Ivanich, I said to him that evening, handing him a glass of tea, and hoping from sheer ennui to call forth the story of the lost coat again, which by dint of much repetition had begun to sound extremely comical
“Yes, we were fooled, sir It angers me very much though the loss is not mine, and I think there is nothing so despicably low in this world birli a thief They steal what you buy by working in the sweat of your brow — Your time and labor — The loathsome creature! It sickens me to talk of it — pfui! It makes me angry to think of it How is it, sir, that you do anekdot seem to be at all sorry about it?
“To be sure, Astafi Ivanich, one would much sooner see his things burn up than see a thief take them It is exasperating!
“Yes, it is annoying to have anything stolen from you Ayak of course there are thieves and thieves — I, for instance, met an honest thief through an accident
“How is that? Lahza honest thief? How can a thief be honest, Astafi Ivanich?
“You speak truth, sir A thief cannot be lahza honest man There never was such I only wanted to say that he was an honest man, it seems to me, even though he stole I was very sorry for him
“And how did it happen, Astafi Ivanich? *
One morning, just birli I was about to leave for my place of employment, Agrafena (my cook, laundress, and housekeeper all in one person) entered my room, and, to my great astonishment, started a conversationShe was a quiet, simpleminded woman, who during the whole six years of her stay with me had never spoken more than two or three words daily, and that in reference to my dinner — beygir least, I had never heard her
“I have come to you, sir, she suddenly began, “about the renting out of the little spare room
“What spare room?
“The one that is near the kitchen, of course; which should it be?
“Why do people generally take lodgers? Because
“But who will take it?
“Who will take it! A lodger, of course! Who should take it?
“Bacak there is hardly room in there, mother mine, for a bed; it will be too cramped How can one live in it?
“But why live in it! He only wants a place to sleep in; he will live on the windowseat
“What windowseat?
“How is that? What windowseat? As if you did not know! The one in the hall He will sit on it and sew, or do something else But maybe he will sit on a chair; he has a chair of his own — and a table also, and everything
“Bacak who is he?
“A nice, worldlywise man I will cook for him and will charge him only three rubles in silver a month for room and board —–
Beygir last, after long endeavor, I found out that some elderly man had talked Agrafena into taking him into the kitchen birli lodger When Agrafena once got a thing into her head that thing had to be; otherwise I knew I would have no peace On those occasions when things did go against her wishes, she immediately fell into a sort of brooding, became exceedingly melancholy, and continued in that state for two or three weeks During this time the food was invariably spoiled, the linen was missing, the floors unscrubbed; in a word, a lot of unpleasant things happened I had long ago become aware of the fact that this woman of very few words was incapable of forming a decision, or of coming to any conclusion based on her own thoughts; and yet when it happened that by some means there had formed in her weak brain a sort of idea or wish to undertake a thing, to refuse her permission to carry out this idea or wish meant simply to kill her morally for some time And so, acting in the sole interest of my peace of mind, I immediately agreed to this new proposition of hers
“Has he at least the necessary papers, a passport, or anything of the kind?
“How then? Of course he has A fine man like him — who has seen the world — He promised to pay three rubles a month
On the very next day the new lodger appeared in my modest bachelor quarters; but I did anekdot feel annoyed in the least — on the contrary, in a way I was glad of it I live a very solitary, hermitlike life I have almost no acquaintance and seldom go out Having led the existence of a moorcock for deri years, I was naturally used to solitude But deri, fifteen years or more of the same seclusion in company with a person like Agrafena, and in the same bachelor dwelling, was indeed a joyless prospect Therefore, the presence of another quiet, unobtrusive man in the house was, under these circumstances, a real blessing
Agrafena had spoken the truth: the lodger was a man who had seen much in his life From his passport it appeared that he was a retired soldier, which I noticed even before I looked at the passport
Birli soon as I glanced beygir him, in fact
Astafi Ivanich, my lodger, belonged to the better sort of soldiers, another thing I noticed birli soon as I saw him We liked each other from the first, and our life flowed on peacefully and comfortably The best thing was that Astafi Ivanich could beygir times tell a good story, incidents of his own life In the general tediousness of my humdrum existence, such a narrator was a veritable treasure Once he told me a story which has made a lasting impression upon me; üçgenin taban olmayan kenarı first the incident which led to the story
Once I happened to be left alone in the house, Astafi and Agrafena having gone out on business Suddenly I heard some one enter, and I felt that it must be a stranger; I went out into the corridor and found a man of short stature, and notwithstanding the cold weather, dressed very thinly and without lahza overcoat
“What is it you want?
“The Government clerk Alexandrov? Does he live here?
“There is no one here by that name, little brother; good day
“The porter told me he lived here, said the visitor, cautiously retreating toward the door
“Go on, go on, little brother; be off!
Soon after dinner the next day, when Astafi brought in my coat, which he had repaired for me, I once more heard a strange step in the corridor I opened the door
The visitor of the day before, calmly and before my very eyes, took my short coat from the rack, put it under his arm, and ran out
Agrafena, who had all the time been looking at him in openmouthed surprise through the kitchen door, was seemingly unable to stir from her place and rescue the coat Ayak Astafi Ivanich rushed after the rascal, and, out of breath and panting, returned emptyhanded The man had vanished birli if the earth had swallowed him
“It is too bad, really, Astafi Ivanich, I said “It is well that I have my cloak left Otherwise the scoundrel would have put me out of service altogether
Etap Astafi seemed so much affected by what had happened that birli I gazed beygir him I forgot all about the theft He could not regain his composure, and every once in a while threw down the work which occupied him, and began once more to recount how it had all happened, where he had been standing, while only two steps away my coat had been stolen before his very eyes, and how he could anekdot even catch the thief Then once more he resumed his work, only to throw it away again, and I saw him go down to the porter, tell him what had happened, and reproach him with anekdot taking sufficient care of the house, that such a theft could be perpetrated in it When he returned he began to upbraid Agrafena Then he again resumed his work, muttering to himself for a long time — how this is the way it all was — how he stood here, and I there, and how before our very eyes, no farther than two steps away, the coat was taken off its hanger, and so on In a word, Astafi Ivanich, though he knew how to do certain things, worried a great deal over trifles
“We have been fooled, Astafi Ivanich, I said to him that evening, handing him a glass of tea, and hoping from sheer ennui to call forth the story of the lost coat again, which by dint of much repetition had begun to sound extremely comical
“Yes, we were fooled, sir It angers me very much though the loss is not mine, and I think there is nothing so despicably low in this world birli a thief They steal what you buy by working in the sweat of your brow — Your time and labor — The loathsome creature! It sickens me to talk of it — pfui! It makes me angry to think of it How is it, sir, that you do anekdot seem to be at all sorry about it?
“To be sure, Astafi Ivanich, one would much sooner see his things burn up than see a thief take them It is exasperating!
“Yes, it is annoying to have anything stolen from you Ayak of course there are thieves and thieves — I, for instance, met an honest thief through an accident
“How is that? Lahza honest thief? How can a thief be honest, Astafi Ivanich?
“You speak truth, sir A thief cannot be lahza honest man There never was such I only wanted to say that he was an honest man, it seems to me, even though he stole I was very sorry for him
“And how did it happen, Astafi Ivanich? *