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Valve Hammer Editor 3.5 Yardım

Valve Hammer Editor 3.5 Yardım


FD Üye
Ara 25, 2016
F-D Coin
Arkadaşlar ben küçük bi map yaptım oyuncuların başlayacağı yerleride seçtim gökyüzüde yaptım zaten çok büyük değil harita ama run dediğimde aşağıdaki bölüm geliyo tam dolarken bi yerde takılıyo yarım saat beklediğim oldu ama açılmıyor ne hata veriyor nede uyarı sesiSadece oraya gelince bekliyorSebebini ve çözümünü bilen lütfen yardım etsin

** Executing
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: D:\Valve\cstrike

** Executing
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: D:\Valve\cstrike\dedust3mapD:\Valve\cstrike\maps\dedust3map

** Executing
** Command: C:\Users\pc\Desktop\ZHLT34~1ZIP\hlcsgexe
** Parameters: D:\Valve\cstrike\maps\dedust3

hlcsg v34 Final (Feb 25 2006)
Zoner's HalfLife Compilation Tools Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission
Submit detailed bug reports to (email*protected)
BEGIN hlcsg
Command line: C:\Users\pc\Desktop\ZHLT34~1ZIP\hlcsgexe D:\Valve\cstrike\maps\dedust3
Entering D:\Valve\cstrike\maps\dedust3map

Current hlcsg Settings
Name | Setting | Default
threads 4 Varies
verbose off off
log on on
developer 0 0
chart off off
estimate off off
max texture memory 4194304 4194304
max lighting memory 6291456 6291456
priority Normal Normal

noclip off off
null texture stripping on on
clipnode economy mode on on
clip hull type legacy legacy
onlyents off off
wadtextures on on
skyclip on on
hullfile None None
nullfile None None
min surface area 0500 0500
brush union threshold 0000 0000

Using mapfile wad configuration
Wadinclude list :

0 brushes (totalling 0 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
80%90% (000 seconds)
50% (000 seconds)
80%90% (001 seconds)

Warning: Wad file '\users\pc\desktop\zhlt34x86finalzip\zhltwad' not found
Using Wadfile: \valve\cstrike\csdustwad
Contains 3 used textures, 6000 percent of map (28 textures in wad)
Error: Could not open wad file \users\pc\desktop\zhlt34x86finalzip\zhltwad
Error: Could not find WAD file
Description: The compile tools could not locate a wad file that the map was referencing
Howto Fix: Make sure the wad's listed in the level editor actually all exist

END hlcsg

** Executing
** Command: C:\Users\pc\Desktop\ZHLT34~1ZIP\hlbspexe
** Parameters: D:\Valve\cstrike\maps\dedust3

hlbsp v34 Final (Feb 25 2006)
Zoner's HalfLife Compilation Tools Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission
Submit detailed bug reports to (email*protected)
BEGIN hlbsp
Command line: C:\Users\pc\Desktop\ZHLT34~1ZIP\hlbspexe D:\Valve\cstrike\maps\dedust3
There was a problem compiling the map
Check the file D:\Valve\cstrike\maps\dedust3log for the cause

END hlbsp

** Executing
** Command: C:\Users\pc\Desktop\ZHLT34~1ZIP\hlvisexe
** Parameters: D:\Valve\cstrike\maps\dedust3

hlvis v34 Final (Feb 25 2006)
Zoner's HalfLife Compilation Tools Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission
Submit detailed bug reports to (email*protected)
BEGIN hlvis
Command line: C:\Users\pc\Desktop\ZHLT34~1ZIP\hlvisexe D:\Valve\cstrike\maps\dedust3
There was a problem compiling the map
Check the file D:\Valve\cstrike\maps\dedust3log for the cause

END hlvis

** Executing
** Command: C:\Users\pc\Desktop\ZHLT34~1ZIP\hlradexe
** Parameters: D:\Valve\cstrike\maps\dedust3

hlrad v34 Final (Feb 25 2006)
Zoner's HalfLife Compilation Tools Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission
Submit detailed bug reports to (email*protected)
BEGIN hlrad
Command line: C:\Users\pc\Desktop\ZHLT34~1ZIP\hlradexe D:\Valve\cstrike\maps\dedust3
There was a problem compiling the map
Check the file D:\Valve\cstrike\maps\dedust3log for the cause

END hlrad

** Executing
** Command: D:\Valve\hlexe
** Parameters: CS +map dedust3
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